Tune in to your local station for tournament results, or check out ESPN's whistle to whistle coverage.
For those of us in the good 'ol US of A, Happy Labor Day! For everybody else, Happy Weekend!
The almost true exploits of an intrepid spinster and her stitching...and all of the things that make up her crazy, happy, quiet little life.
Tune in to your local station for tournament results, or check out ESPN's whistle to whistle coverage.
For those of us in the good 'ol US of A, Happy Labor Day! For everybody else, Happy Weekend!
I must confess that there is a part of me that wants to leave that inside trellis empty. The canvas has a marbleized effect, and I think it would be so pretty to let it show through. But that's a whole lotta' buds that would be left off, and I'm not sure if it will look right. I'll make Chrissy take a look at it and give me her unvarnished opinion.
Stewey's physical went swimmingly. He got an excellent report and Mommie Dearest was told to "keep doing whatever it is you're doing -- he's in great shape". Woo Hoo! I may be a lousy human being, but I'm a great Dog Mom! His little allergies have just started to pop up, so we're back on medicine for the time being and hopefully that will prevent it from getting too bad. Poor little guy....he's got seasonal allergies that make him just miserable about twice a year.
The happiest news was that the bill only came to $300, and that included all of his meds! And, with his insurance reimbursement, I think my portion will only be about $50. Just can't beat that. Here he is grabbing a power nap after his big day yesterday....see how he twists himself up like a little pretzel?
"Please, Mommie, I just need to have a little time to myself. Don't pick me up and kissy kiss me all day today. Can't you get a hobby or somthing?"
And here's how you saw it on Saturday:Yes, of course, you can use any plastic organizer thingie that fits inside the bag, but this one has nifty compartments and still leaves room for a project or two. Stay tuned for my next post...I'll talk all about my necessary and what's in it.
Thread gadget: If you posted a comment asking me about the metallic thread gadget, would you be so kind as to send me your mailing address? Please email conijorich@aol.com with your name and address. Also, if you could please type "THREAD THINGIE" in the subject line I won't delete you as spam.
Yesterday was a bit of a blur, but I remember watching the Olympics and stitching "Joyful Summer". I will probably be able to finish this one up tonight and then on to the beading! I thought I would get it done last night, but I just couldn't tear my eyes away from my new boyfriend Michael. I need to talk with him, however, and let him know that once we're married he'll need to pull that suit up just a bit. Nobody needs to see Little Michael. Damn, that kid is yummy. And, as Stewey pointed out to me numerous time......HE LOVES HIS MOMMIE!
Well, let me tell you...these little gizmos are going to change the way I stitch. All those drawers full of metallic threads that have languished over the years are now going to get a workout! All you do is wrap an end of your thread around each one of these and then gently pull to get the bounce and kink out of the thread. Magic! I never in a million years thought I would use Kreinik without needing an emergency trip to the therapist's office, but viola', I used it last night and enjoyed every stitchy minute of it.
I also made some nice progress on Joyful Summer, and it shouldn't be too long before I can break out the beads and tart that thing right up.
Aunt Chrissy and I will be loading up the car for the Midwest Stash Exchange tomorrow. If you stop by, we'll be at the entrance table collecting your hard-earned cash. They say it's supposed to be beautiful weather...woo hoo!
Off to PetSmart for Stewey's spa day. He's extremely fastidious about his appearance and personal hygiene, and he asked me to take him in for a little spiff up today. He'll have a b-a-t-h and get his nail trimmed. If he's really good, they'll give him a little spritz of GameTime cologne and then I won't be able to leave the damn dog alone.
So from my Spinster Stitcher Studio to yours, I wish you love and best stitches! (Oh, tee hee! I just made a typo there and said "love and best bitches! Woops.)
This is an amazing book that was a long-ago Christmas present from Chrissy. It's called "Patchwork of Peace" and the author/designer is Mary Clark Donegan. This book consists of 247 squares of different stitches that she put together in the likeness of an American flag. I suppose you could do almost any flag, but since I'm a Hoosier American and all, I figured we'd go with the red, white, and blue.
The canvas for this piece measures out to be 18 inches by 24 inches, so methinks this will be interesting to play with. Stretcher bars or scroll rods? I'll definitely have to dust off the floor stand for this one, which means Stewey will be forced off the ottoman and onto his perch for the duration.
I'll leave you with a pic of the little man himself practicing his "thank you for my gold medal, Mr. President" pose. He's really excited to be going to the games and hopes to bring home the gold in several events. If any of them involve lifting a leg or barking at the UPS man, he's got a very good chance.