Yesterday was decidedly...odd. I was up early and thought it might be one of those lovely productive days, but the wheels came off the bus when I upchucked my breakfast and then ended up back in the big girl sleigh bed with what felt like the flu.
Then, I woke up for what I thought would be a nice quiet lovely productive evening, but I spent it fretting myself into a panic attack instead because my phone died and no matter what I did, I could not revive it. I was particularly nervous, because Rich was over on campus and I was left to my own devices and had no way to call or text.
So I calmed myself down and decided to watch a movie and stitch to take my mind off of things, and selected a rather unfortunate film given my earlier tummy troubles, a dead phone, and being left to my own devices.
Note to self: Instead of assuming that a movie called The Menu starring Ralph Finnes is going to be about a chef...READ THE DESCRIPTION.
Needless to say, by the time the damn movie was over and I had upchucked the scrambled eggs I had made for dinner and then cried like a three-year old who lost her cuddles, I was just...spent...from the drama of it all and headed to bed.
But I did manage to finish a section on Spring Medley so that I can go to Guild next Saturday and be right on track.
So I've got THAT going for me.
I did manage to fix my phone without having to go to the phone place. You push the volume up button, the volume down button, and then hold the on/off button and...viola'. You're now an apple Genius and can get your polo shirt and stand at the apple Genius bar.
Time for a shower, and then some toast, I think. In terms of stitching, I think I might play in my WiP basket to see what strikes my fancy.
Happy Futzingday, Dearies! I hope your Tuesday was not as fraught as mine! What's blowing your skirt up today? Come tell me all about it!