Aug 14, 2023



I've either lost my mind completely, or have finally figured everything out, Dearies.

My morning started at the library with an EGA South Bend monthly morning meeting. Because I'm supposed to write the newsletter, I have to sit up like a big girl in my chair and pay attention, and today there was a lot of information to absorb, process, and ponder.

I wrote things down...I really did...but when I looked at my notes a few moments ago my tiny little brain said "Um. Huh?" and I had to try to figure out what the heck "Check with so and so about whatchamacallit on the date that whoosie whatsits wants to do that thingamajig".

So I will either be entirely ahead of the game and very organized for upcoming events, or I'll be the one caught in my pajamas on the wrong day and time with the wrong project at the wrong place.

Then it was back here to CS2 adjacent, where we met to start a pilot beading project. If you're not familiar with the whole piloting thing....a teacher develops a class that they'd like to teach, and they give the instructions to a group of volunteers to edit, correct, critique, and try before launching it as an official class. 

In this case, the four of us consist of three people who know what they're doing and are capable of reading and following directions, I'm not saying I'm completely inept, but when I used the powder room a few minutes ago, beads fell out of my bra.


Now, I'm desperately trying to breathe, re-boot, eat a healthy snack, get rid of a massive headache, visit with my Jersey Boy, and find shoes for the third and final installment of this little roller coaster of Monday Stitchy Love and get myself over to Elkhart for an EGA Elkhart meeting during which we will complete our crazy quilt project.


How apropos.

That's my Monday! If you repeat this, I'll deny it, but I'm loving every single second of it. Yes, my brains feel like they're going to come spilling out of my ears, and I'm completely over my limit for polite social interaction for the day, but oh....what fun!

So here's to Monday fun in whatever form it comes! What was your Monday fun? Come tell me all about it!


  1. So funny and it sounds like a wonderful day.

  2. Still laughing about the beads in your bra. Last time I attempted beading I spilled a bunch then rolled most of them over with my chair. It takes special skills to do this needlework thing we love so much.

    Amy in NJ

  3. I loved pilot classes when I was in EGA. Enjoy the ride. Debby in CO

  4. Love hearing what all you are doing and seeing stitching projects!

  5. Coni, I have so missed your guild stories. Thank you for the chuckle about the beads! I hope meeting #3 was a good one. Have a good Tuesday!

  6. Spent Monday in planner to program redeeming the week....You sound as though you did the week in one day... just relax and try
    to avoid the headache...pace thyself.

  7. You've always got a story and love hearing them. My day is not complete without checking to see what shenanigans you are up to. Just babysitting monarch caterpillars here while the young grandsons are on vacation to Michigan with their parents. Hope we don't lose any!

  8. Somehow I have stopped getting your blog posts and just realized the lack. I have missed seeing them. I have always enjoyed your humor and I have admired you staying strong throughout the kidney wait and then the transplant. I hope I have not missed anything earth shattering but I plan to go back through old posts to make sure.

  9. I too have stopped getting your blog posts, so I’m busy catching up! Your comment about beads in your bra made me laugh - when I eat crackers, I invariably end up with crumbs in my bra 🤦🏻‍♀️
