For some goofy reason I can't get that intro out of my head. I think it's from Dinner: Impossible (and yes, I know it's probably from something else too), but all I can hear is that phrase....over and over and over again.
Speaking of my boyfriend, Robert Irvine...I'm going to tell you something that will totally shock you now. Be prepared.
No, seriously. Are you really ready?
I taped his new show Restaurant: Impossible and started to watch it over the weekend. About ten minutes into it....get ready for the shock now.....I turned it off!
Y'all know how I love me some Chef Robert Irvine, and y'all know that I am always up for some hunky man-watching any time of the day, but I actually found myself sitting there getting disappointed with my beloved! Disappointed! Even watching his gun show wasn't enough to stun me senseless....what the heck is up with THAT?!
Truth is, I turned it off because Robert is shamefully trying to execute my other beloved's Kitchen Nightmares, and, in my very humble opinion, he's missed the mark entirely. (Oh, my other beloved would be Gordon Ramsey.) (And let's not forget yet another beloved, Anthony Bourdain.) (Oh, wait! Then there's Eric Ripert!) (And.....I can't remember his name! Damnit! The really hunky cute guy that also happens to be a chef! But hunky with an edge...know what I mean?)
Robert...all I want from you is to peer into your baby blues and watch you cook something. And I want you to coo gently to me over the proper way to turn out a folded omelet, or how it's very important not to chop anything while trying to fix your lipstick because God knows the hunky TeeVee chef might be able to see you standing in your kitchen showing off your knife skills for him, even though he's not actually in your kitchen, but rather somewhere in TeeVee Food Land shooting the next episode of a show that you will watch incessantly until your dog makes you delete it from the dvr thingie so that there's room for him to record the latest installment of Masterpiece Theater. Damn dog.
Oh, sorry. Wandered away for a bit on that one, didn't I? Let's chalk it up to antibiotic poisoning and move right along, shall we?
(Besides, I read a comment once from a lady that said she hated my writing style because it was just...too...much, so every now and then I have to go right over the very edge or I risk disappointing her. Also, I might calm down enough that she might decide to come back and read my drivel. So there.)
I finished the stitching on Laura J. Perin's
Color Study: One Long Panel, so now it's time to attach the beads. I just can't say enough about the fun I had stitching this one. So much so that I'm thinking about doing it again in a different colorway! Wouldn't this be a gorgeous Christmas piece? Stay tuned.

Next up is
Snowflake Serenade by Country Cottage Needleworks. As you can see, I made some pretty good progress while watching a Royal Pains marathon that I had taped on the dvr thingie and had to watch because Stewey wanted me to.....(see above for explanation as to who really controls the recording devices around here.)
And last, but certainly NOT least, is the cyber class that Aunt Chrissy and I are taking from Ms. Laura J. Perin. This one is called
Corsage, and I'm afraid that I'm a little behind the rest of the class. We were supposed to start it a week ago Sunday, but I just wasn't quite ready yet. So methinks today will be spent enjoying this one while I get caught up to the rest of the class.

I'm doing mine in the "orange" colorway, and I think I'm going to stitch the center flower using an alternate chart that Laura provides that is closer to a dogwood. As you might have guessed from reading this here blog...I am simply crazy for these flower collages from Ms. P, so the fact that I will have one completed so early in the year has me pulling on the pantyhose for the happy dance already!
I'll leave you with a very warm and heartfelt THANK YOU for all of your kind get well wishes. Apparently, they worked, because I am actually able to sit upright for more than ten minutes at a time today without teeter-tottering to the floor in a messy heap. What can I say about all of my stitchy friends? You all just ROCK my silly little world. MWA!