Jan 7, 2011


As you can see from this picture, winter has finally returned to the hinterlands of Hoosierville:
This, and the screaming weatherman prompted me to call Aunt Chrissy in a panic over the lack of provisions here at Chez Spinster, so we decided to make an evening of it.

First up was a trip to see the girls at Magrane Pet Medical Center (waving hi to Miss Lori and Miss Neika!). Both Stewey and Bosco were in desperate need of pedicures, and Stewey wanted to have a discussion with his behaviorist, Miss Neika about potty training, overall behavioral issues, and how he might get me to stop threatening to send him to military school. (Apparently, he feels that the potty issues and behavior problems are on MY side of the equation, so I'm headed off to the self-help section of the Borders momentarily.) Damn dog.

After a stop at the Panera for some sustenance, we hit the Target for toilet paper and laundry soap (I mean, come on....if I'm going to be trapped in a house I might as well get the laundry done), and then it was off to our Martin's for groceries. (Martin's is the local grocery store chain, and we go to the fancypants one that treats us like a couple of rock stars. Could it be because we buy enough food from them to feed a small country? or is it just because we bat our eyelashes at the nice deli guy?).

By the time I fell into the Happy Chair I'm afraid there wasn't enough gas left in the tank to do any stitching, but I do have a little progress to show from Wednesday:

This piece is like a really wonderful box of chocolates...I'm trying to savor every bite of it and make it last as long as possible. The construction of the stitches is fun and very very satisfying, so if you ever get the chance to play around with this type of thing, go for it! You will feel like a freakin' genius! (Trust me...I have to take THAT particular feeling whenever I can get it!)

That's the report from the tundra for today! Stay warm and safe and dry and have a wonderful weekend! Woo Hoo!


  1. your "box of chocolates" looks magnificent

  2. Snow down in south Hoosierland too.

    Miss Laura's design, in your hands, looks scrumptious...I just may have to break down and get this one...not that I don't have 38bazillion other projects (some with time-lines, even) to do!

  3. I love the colours in your current WIP!

  4. Martins . . . .I so miss Martins. Their deli counter was to die for. Even the bakery items, which came to Logan from your area of the state, were lip smackin' good. We had them make all of our sheet cakes for school functions . . they would mark the icing so we knew exactly where to cut, no waste and the cakes were so tasty!

    Now my taste-buds are home-sick. We have two large grocery chains here in Western New York that are good, but Martin's is still #1 in my heart :0}

  5. We are getting the snow that has been missing us up until now. It has been snowing for two day at our house in the woods. I should have did some stocking up also but alas I live in Michigan and we are die hards and think we do not need to stock up until it is too late. Love your stitching have a great weekend!

  6. Beautiful! Stay in and keep warm and stitch!

  7. I understood potty training was an issue with Jack Russells - they're so smart that they know they're so cute that they can get away with what they want when they want. We got to the point where we put Nehi out on a schedule and then were happy that when he did go in the house that at least he wasn't doing #1. Chocolates are at least easy to pick up.

  8. I love those colors!!!!

    And you can keep the snow up north....LOL

  9. Stunning colours! Can't wait to see the next update.

  10. I'm finally catching up on my blog readin' and I love to read yours! Your WIP is exciting and makes me want to try some canvas stuff. I love the colors in this one!!

  11. Your WIP looks simply fantastic.
    Good luck with the potty training. We had our fair share of that after we took a Jack Russel girl in that was quite damaged. We still have our problems with her every now and then, but she is finally potty trained. Phew.

  12. I LOVE your blog! Thank you so much for sharing your days, dogs and sense of humor! :D Cathryn

  13. That canvas is too stunning for words! Is that a variegated yarn? It's soooo beautiful. It must be mesmerizing to work on.

    I did a little shopping yesterday, too, in anticipation of some snow. I was very good and only bought stuff that is good for you. But then I munched on about half the box of Special K while surfing this morning....dry right out of the package like they were chips...is that bad??

    Stay warm and cozy in The Happy Chair today!

  14. That is such a pretty project...the colors work so well together! Sounds like you are all stocked up and ready for some serious weather. Stewey is a riot! I love your blog...one of my favorites.

  15. Your WIP is beautiful.

  16. Oh Coni, you always bring a smile to my face, if not an out-loud laugh! Love your "chocolates" and it looks very complicated.

    So are you sending Stewey to Howe? I am assuming that has got to be very close to you - I threatened to send my son there when he was about 13...it's only a couple hours from me.

    I am glad winter returned, we had bright sunshine yesterday and it looks like again today - gotta take a couple pics of wip while I have the good light.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  17. That LJP piece is getting more and more stunning with every section - just totally scrummy :D
