As has been previously mentioned on this here blog by Little Lord Fauntleroy His Very Naughty Self, the level of activity around here has been shall I put this?.....modest.
I am pacing myself, yes indeedie I am, but may I just point out that it is 8am on a Sunday and I am here at the 'puter writing my drivel while SOMEBODY remains snuggled under the covers in the big girl sleigh bed?
Now I know it drives you nuts that I call it the big girl sleigh bed, but it comes by that name honestly. When I lived in New Jersey, I went out and bought my very first piece of real estate. It was a momentous occasion for all involved, and you would have thought that the 800 square feet that comprised my condo in the sky was the Taj Freaking Mahal. Well, when I went to the closing, the nice people there handed me a check and said something about there being too much money in escrow (or some other obscure place that only bankers understand), and they told me to go buy myself something nice for my new house. So I did. I marched right into the nearest furniture store and said "Hi! I just bought my very first house and I need a big girl bed!". The saleslady took one look at me, and in her best Jersey accent said "Yeah, you sure do." (I presume that this was in reference to my girth, but who the heck knows what anybody in that part of the world usually thought of me?) So she marched me right over to where the beds were located and said "Here, hon. That's the one you want. I'll have it delivered on Tuesday. Where do you want it delivered?"
So that was that, and I finally had a big girl bed after years of sleeping on blow-up mattresses, waterbeds, and futons. And it's been my most very favorite thing in the whole wide world ever since.
Strawberry Shortcake continues, and I am still really loving every stitch of it. I'm not moving as quickly as I would like, but sometimes I guess I need to learn how to enjoy the process of it all rather than the progress. (Have you seen the stitchy question about that very subject out there in Blogville? I'm still formulating my response, but I think those that have answered it thus far have done so quite brilliantly.)
I'm rubbing my hands together and smacking my lips in anticipation of tonight's Tudors. I will confess that last week's episode was extremely hard to watch, so I'm hoping for something a little more uplifting tonight. Without giving too much away (although the fact that it's history kind of kills any surprises in the overall plot), I found myself feeling really really guilty that I had been wishing for Catherine Howard to "exit" the scene, and then, when she did, it was brutal. I mean baroo-tull. So there I sat, feeling really bad that I was cheering for her demise all these weeks, and I wondered if I could have grown to love her eventually?....
(pondering that thought for a moment)....
Nope. Couldn't stand her. And the fact that she was only fifteen didn't stir my normal instinct to protect and love all children (ahem). I wanted her g-o-n-e.
Oops. Didn't mean to go so far afield on this one. Here's the progress on

And, just so you have something by which to compare it (is that even correct?):

I hope that your Sunday is fabulous and that you get to do whatever it is you want to do! As for me....I'm going to go wake up a sleepy dog and then laugh at his little bed head hair style. Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!