Well, it looks like it's time for me to travel on to my next destination. Despite a rather ignominious start, and in spite of the smoking jacket wearing talking dog and the idiot spinster, I've had a lovely time of it here in this little part of the world. (Thank God for Aunt Chrissy!). Before I enter my traveling compartment, though, I thought I'd leave you with a few pictures of some of the places that I visited.
The spinster did manage to go to college at the University of Notre Dame. Yes, I will confess to being skeptical about this fact, but once we arrived on campus, I forgot about her and just enjoyed the spectacular architecture. After illegally parking in the Main Circle, a local celebrity introduced himself and then acted as my tour guide. Isn't he handsome?
The long entrance to the university is really quite pretty, and I can imagine that the autumnal colors on all of this foliage would be gorgeous to behold.
The Golden Dome is lovely, and as I understand it, the woman perched on the top of it is the Blessed Virgin Mary. (The spinster calls her the BVM.) And no, just in case you were wondering...I did NOT attempt a climb to the top, despite the urgings of my hostess after one too many dietCokes.
This handsome fellow is on the corner of a mens' dormitory:
And this is a nice example of the gothic style of architecture that permeates the entire campus:
Here's a better shot of that dormitory. Can you imagine living in such a place?
There are hundreds of other beautiful sights to see on the campus of Notre Dame. I know that the spinster is particularly attached to the Grotto, and I would imagine that we could have spent a few days there snapping away. If you'd like to see more, go to: http://www.tour.nd.edu/
to see what all of the fuss is about.
After saying goodbye to the leprechaun (who doesn't have a name, by the way), we headed down US31/933 to downtown South Bend. It's about a five minute drive from the campus. Here's a link to learn more about the town itself: http://www.downtownsouthbend.com/.
The building shown here houses the South Bend Civic Theater. The spinster's never been, of course, because she never seems to leave her house, but it is on the long list of things that she would eventually like to see with Aunt Chrissy. Again, another link for you: http://www.sbct.org/.
Naturally, the very first stop was food related. Here's the South Bend Chocolate Company:
Just next to it is the building that will eventually house the Official Stitcher's Hall of Fame and Other Nice Things To Do On A Saturday Afternoon. At least that's what I heard the spinster tell Aunt Chrissy she wishes it would be. Apparently it is now the College Football Hall of Fame, but within a few months that will be relocating to Atlanta (or some such place), and this entire area will be vacant. The Marriott Hotel in the background is also for sale, so I would imagine that the spinster has some cockamamie idea as to how to include that in a "Stitchers' Complex of Fun and Activity" once she comes up with the four million bucks it will take to buy the place.
Finally....some history! This is Tippecanoe Place (http://www.tippe.com/), the former home of Clement Studebaker. It is now one of the more famous restaurants in the area. A few blocks to the west of it is the Center for History, but the idiot spinster forgot to take me there.
The Morris Performing Arts Center is a gorgeous theatre that was completely renovated and is now considered to be one of the top event venues in the country. http://www.morriscenter.org/ See the three windows to the left? That's the Palais Royale ballroom and was the scene of many a Notre Dame formal ball back in the 50's when the spinster's dad was at Notre Dame.
No visit to South Bend would be complete without a mention of the St. Joe river. Oddly enough, it flows south to north and empties into Lake Michigan some 60 miles away. The East Race Waterway is particularly interesting and is where kayakers from all over the world come to practice and compete. (Don't expect to see the spinster in a kayak any time soon. I don't think they make them that big.) The building to the right is the Century Center and the South Bend Museum of Art and that pavilion is a great place to listen to live music on a summer Friday night. (If the spinster ever left her house, that is.)
I would be remiss to mention that although the focus of this area is usually on Notre Dame and South Bend, the little city of Mishawaka also has a lot to offer. Mishawaka, the Princess City, is about two minutes east of South Bend and is home to both the Spinster Stitcher and Aunt Chrissy. It's often overlooked, but I can promise you that there is a lot to see/eat/do/and shop here. This is Robert C. Beutter Riverfront Park, and if I understood correctly, will now be the location of early morning walks by the SS and AC. (Yeah, I know. We'll all believe that when we see it, right?) If you'd like to learn more about Mishawaka, go to: http://www.mishawaka.in.gov/.
Well, that about wraps it up from here. Now if I might have a drum roll, please. The official drawing of the next hostess's name was conducted last evening under the supervision of the accounting firm of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe. We forgot to take photographic evidence, so you'll just have to trust me. Ready?
I'm going to New Zealand! (Cue the dramatic Oprah-esque music now). Madame Margaret Stedman has agreed to show me about, and I just couldn't be more thrilled! Margaret, if you would be so kind as to confirm all of your mailing details with the Spinster Stitcher, I'll make sure that she purchases the necessary travel tickets. We'll also need your blog address so that all of the curious stitchers out there can follow my exploits.
Until I see you again....a fond adieu! I'm really enjoying this romp around the world, and I hope you're enjoying it right along with me!