Don't worry. I'll come to my senses sooner or later. Besides, all of my garden implements have been taken away to Aunt Chrissy's house for safekeeping so that I don't try to do anything without supervision. She caught me digging a four-foot deep trench around the patio one time in preparation for the mulch guy, and ever since she's not allowed me anywhere near the backyard. (I was, however, very proud of myself for wearing the proper garden ensemble....complete with Martha Stewart garden hat, clogs, and gloves especially for the occasion. Didn't help though...I was still an idiot out there.)
This subject of supervision comes up a lot in my blogs, and I suppose it is with good reason. Although I am certainly a grown-ass woman of 43, I can get myself into predicaments that would make Chocolate Factory Lucy and Ethel very proud. Like the time I electrocuted myself with a screwdriver and a ceiling fan, or the time I set myself on fire. (Oh, by the way....polar fleece: flammable. Very very flammable.) So I don't get toooo upset when Aunt Chrissy drives me past assisted living facilities and says "Isn't this a pretty place?", or when she staples a Life Alert device to my forehead. I can be a handful.
Stewey has yet to make an appearance today. He had a late night of general futzing about and throwing his toys off the bed. He thinks this is completely hilarious, especially since SOMEBODY has to then haul her big fat butt out from under the covers to retrieve said toy or he throws a little fit. I'm not kidding. Stomps around on top of the blanket and throws himself right into a tizzy. If you don't believe me, ask Aunt Chrissy. She's witnessed the charm that is my Stewey.
Ina is calling me to the kitchen. We have a lovely salmon salad on the menu today, accompanied by a freshly brewed pitcher of blackberry iced tea. Now if I could just get the REAL Ina here toting some genuine New York bagels, I'd be in Bliss Ville, USA.
Have a fabulous day and do something naughty. (I don't know what makes me say that other than the fact that I am feeling the need to break a rule or two today. Hmmmm. Let's see. I think I have a few pieces of Easter chocolate left. Maybe I could eat them in the bathtub with a glass of champagne?)
Oh wait. That's not a rule...that's just a Thursday! Woo Hoo!