Aug 30, 2019


Mary just went into time out for the duration of my d-chair time. Unfortunately, this little mess is the entirety of my black thread stash here with me, so I'm going to have to fish through stash for more. I did notice that I'm getting really poor coverage, so I might have to switch brands and find something a little plumper than DMC.  The coverage on the blue is also kind of sketchy, but I think I can live with it. The black, though, I think I might prefer pretty solid.

If you would, please keep my podmate M in your prayers, Dearies. She has decided to end treatment and has been told if she does so she will pass very quickly. She is a dear lady and I hope she finds peace.

Only a few minutes to go, so I will close for now. Happy Friday (again)!


  1. I often find the DMC black doesn't cover with the specified strands so I tend to add one more strand. Whatever works, right?

  2. Was just going to ask what kind of thread you use that is thicker than the DMC when I read the dear commenters post above. Duh. Use another strand! Thank you for sharing, pamelaric! Never crossed my little pea brain! But Coni, what other brands are out there that are thicker?
    Sorry to read about your podmate. Prayers for her and this huge decision she has before her.

  3. I recently heard a flosstuber (can't remember who) thought that black in Anchor was better coverage.

  4. I am currently working with silken n colors black( SNC OOB )and it' now my favorite. It is more expensive but coverage with one thread is better than DMC or Anchor

  5. DMC has really lost its weight, sheen and resilience through the years...sorry... it was once the paragon of quality embroidery floss. Prayers for peace and strength for M in her difficult decision.. Oh, for a real magic wand....

  6. That's so sad - poor podmate M.

  7. As always prayers for you and now especially your podmate!

  8. Bad, bad Mary's coat! Praying for your podmate! May she find peace and comfort in wherever her journey takes her.

  9. That is a sign from above to use a different black. Prayers to your podmate.

  10. Definitely try Anchor black. My friend swears by it. Sad for M, I hope she's at peace with her decision.
