Aug 6, 2024


Much like the Closing Ceremonies at the Olympics, there comes a time when we must bid Fare thee well to our beloved Donaldson.

But first...some housekeeping.

Donaldson...Lindenwood...Ancilla...Plymouth. What the heck are you blathering about, Spinster? I've looked high and low for this Donaldson thing, but have no earthly idea where you are. Has the Mothership finally come to take you home? Are you actually sitting in your apartment in your underpants making up a room full of imaginary friends?


The Donaldson Sit and Stitch Retreat takes place every year at the Lindenwood Conference and Retreat Center on the campus of Ancilla College (now known as Marian University/ Ancilla Campus) in a tiny little place called Donaldson, Indina, which is just about four and a half feet away from Plymouth, Indiana.

It's in the middle of Hoosierville, surrounded by farms and cows and just down the road from the WalMarts and whatnot, and this place is just...magic. It's calm and peaceful and quiet and lovely and all the things your brain needs once a year to just shut up and let you get back to center.

For me, this has been a very different Donaldson.  I learned a lot about things, but more about myself. I learned that it's OK to be a little quiet and not suck the oxygen out of the room and to I also learned that Show and Tell (in which stitchers exhibit their finished pieces for us to enjoy) doesn't have to be can actually be INSPIRING.

I learned that being in the company of kind and talented and smart and funny and accomplished people is good for the soul. It makes me want to know better, and do better, and be better. Not to belabor this Olympic thing to death, but I am coming away from this weekend (actually Friday through Tuesday) wanting to practice and strive and try to up my game so that I can come back next year on the next level.

(Because let's face it, Dearies. This group plays VARSITY.)

I have an hour to go, so methinks I will enjoy some final stitching before JB picks me up. I confess that I am probably a little more tired than I should be, but it's a good tired, and I can sleep when I get home, right?

Happy, happy Tuesday to one and all. I hope you have enjoyed coming along with me these last few days. Come tell me all about what's new and exciting and blowing your skirt up in your neck of the woods!



  1. Sounds like heaven! So glad everything went well for you :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience! It sounds just wonderful.

  3. I love the progress you made on your project. I wouldn't have missed your adventure for anything. Debby in CO

  4. Gee, wow and gosh! You are so lucky ... absolutely nothing whatsoever even slightly like this EVER happens in South Africa; we just don't have the numbers. But sharing your wonderful time is pretty nice, so thanks for all the vicarious fun!

  5. Is the polka bag on the table your new bag, Coni? I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on your Donaldson experience. I am heading off to a retreat on Thursday and I am looking forward to meeting new stitchers and taking it all in.

    1. Hi, Robin! Yes! I found it on amazon for $20! I have about 1,000 tote bags, but was looking for one I could put a LOT of projects in! This worked like a dream!

    2. It is a lovely bag. I use one of the old versions of the Miller bag by Vera Bradley. It holds a lot of projects as well.

  6. Thank you for taking the time to share. I think we all need to take time to do something like this to nourish ourselves. I know I do. Susan in NC

  7. Hello! Do you need to be an EGA or an ANG member to attend the retreat? I live in Southern Hoosierville and would love a stitchy escape....

    1. No...all are welcome! I do believe that there is a limit on the number that can attend, so if you would like to reserve a spot, please send me an email and I will forward your information to Miss Charlene!
