Aug 5, 2024


Showering here at the Lindenwood Conference Center at Donaldson is one of those things that most assuredly qualifies you for the US Olympic Contortionist and Yoga team.

To train, you first have to find someone you know that owns a Ford Focus.

Or a Dodge Neon from the 1985 era.

Then, you gather all of your bits (in my case, quite wobbly bits), and you climb into the glove compartment and attend to your daily ablutions.


It took me a visit or two, but I think I finally figured out how to get a lovely cleansing time while attending to the morning housekeeping as well. I squirt my shower gel onto the walls of said tiny space and then kind of shimmy myself around a few times until adequately slathered, and then I attempt to rinse enough water onto myself so as not to cause tiny bubbles emerging for the rest of the day.

I've been told that the actual shower surrounds come from the RV industry in Elkhart, and that they were installed into what used to be small closets in these rooms, so it further confirms that my Olympic Team training plan is a good one.

I just didn't realize RV's had glove compartments.

I'll leave you with a few scenes from the day. I have been happily stitching along on Blossom Time exclusively, despite toting fifteen other projects in my big new bag. Isn't that the way it goes, though?

Donaldson isn't just a stitching retreat. We also have quilters and beaders and artists of all stripes among us. We also have a group of friends who are members of the Quilts of Valor effort. Are you familiar with it? If not...go take a Google at it. It truly is an amazing organization, and we got to see first-hand what incredible work they're doing.

And finally, my favorite shot of the day. Brilliant, beautiful, funny, kind, generous women gathered around learning something new:

My goodness, how I love this thing of ours!

Cheers, Dearies! One more day of fun to go! What's on your agenda for the day?


  1. It looks like so much fun with the added benefit of Olympic training! Debby in CO

  2. Sounds like you have that shower conquered! I love the piece you are working on and looking forward to seeing more! Susan in NC

  3. Your description of the teeny tiny shower is cracking me up!

  4. I love the shower story. It could be worse, i know someone who put a shower in their master suite that they discovered she could not fit into! Retreats are fun, I'm not a big fan of being away from home too long either, but my stitching buddies are of the same mind. I'm glad you had fun. I thought that was a Kathy Rees you were stitching. Can't wait to see the finish!
