Aug 21, 2024



If you've been reading this silly little blog for any length of time, you know a LOT about Yours Truly. Probably more than you want to know, but no amount of eyeball scrubbing or brain de-programming will allow you to un-know it.

For more years than I care to remember, I have flitted about from thing to thing or gadget to gadget or group to group or web page to web page like the proverbial 300-pound hummingbird in search of Stitchy Peace, Planner Peace, Book Peace, Food Peace....or any other kind of Peace that will quell my impulse to over-think and over-worry the joy right out of everything.

I'm not quite there yet in the Stitchy Peace department (and not even remotely in the same universe of the others), but one thing I know for sure is that kitting up a project with pretty things, useful tools, and a ton of coordinated crap makes me insanely happy!

Mrs Parkman at Hands Across The Sea Samplers just posted a FlossTube video about this very thing, and what struck me about it was the sense of happiness I felt listening to her describe her ritual for kitting up her next project. Her "pretties" and gear are in a different stratosphere than mine, to be sure, but I completely related to her joy while displaying, describing, and using her beautiful tools and treasures.

So from now on I'm going to pay particular attention to the assembling of my little kits, and take a minute to enjoy the things in them. I have been the recipient of so many beautiful bits and bobs that I use every day, and I love sending a little prayer and happy vibe out into the world to the people that sent them.

Last night's Guild meeting was wonderful, but (as usual) I am pretty sure I sucked the oxygen out of the room again. I'm really trying to get better at not doing that, but I get so excited to be around my GL's that I forget how to act.

Must remedy that.

Cheers to Wednesday! What's giving you oxygen today? Come tell me all about it!


  1. Beautiful patriotic fun! Kitting up a new project is so much fun! Oh the anticipation…and the fondling of threads. Absolute bliss.

    Amy in NJ

  2. Definitely blissful in kitting up! I mean who doesn't like to fondle fabrics, threads, accessories. I have a few chores to tackle and then I can find my bliss with needle and thread.

  3. Thank you, I get anxious when I'm trying to decide what to stitch on. I started cross stitch 2 years ago when I retired. I love it but I'm sooo slow... That to finish a project (not framed) takes me a while. So when it's time to choose something new it gives me anxiety. I know I'll be looking at it a long time so I need to choose wisely.
    So your post about the joy of kitting up reminded me to relax and enjoy all the processes of this craft.

  4. I have just few enough WIPs that I don't need to be this organized (yet!) 😉 Sally
