Aug 23, 2024


Rich is ushering today, so I am dropping him off and then spending the day...enjoying.

I forget how pretty my school is sometimes...even the stadium. I guess that means I should come over more often and walk a bit and look around.

Guess who finished her Guild Tree? I think this is Freida's Fancy Stitching, but I don't have the chart here with me in the car (duh), so I'll give you the deets later, OK Dearies?

(The bird is my addition. The chart calls for a star stitched in Kreinik, but I thought the bird would make it...Spinster Special 🤭).

Happy Friday! If you're taking kids or grandkids off to college this weekend...God bless and keep you! And...if you have kids or grandkids or neighbors or friends here at Notre Dame that need a local portly spinster alumna to help out every now and then, please get in touch!

Ciao for now!



  1. Danger Spinster Stitcher! Danger! Are 3 finishes in 2 weeks allowed by the Cosmic Order Of Things? I hope so!
    I like the bird, well done!

  2. Your tree looks so pretty, Coni. I like the bird sitting atop. Nice views of your alma mater! Happy Saturday!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes - Freda's Fancy Stitches! I've looked at that one on Etsy SO MANY TIMES!! It's beautiful and I love your bird! Have a grand weekend Coni!

  5. Cuteness 🎅🎄 - Sally
