Jan 7, 2023



I have to up my protein game, so two poached eggs every morning was suggested. I have always been intimidated by poached eggs...all of that simmering swirling water, and when do you fish them out with the slotted spoon, etc.  The idea of figuring it all out just seemed pointless somehow, especially when I could scramble the eggs, clean up the kitchen, and eat the scrambled eggs in the time it would take me to Google "How to poach an egg".

And then, through the magic of the internets, I saw a video that taught me how to poach eggs in the microwave.

Two ramekins or small glass bowls. An egg cracked into each (don't break the yolk). Cover with water. Micro for two minutes or however long it takes your microwave to perfectly cook the whites and yolks to your liking.

I served them with mashed avocado (which I'm really trying to learn to love), and a sprinkle of the ubiquitous Everything Bagel seasoning.


It's gloomy and cold here today, so as soon as I finish my damn good and have a nice scrubby shower, I'm going to settle in with some stitchy goodness and get on with it. 

What's new with you?


  1. Thank you thank you! That is a great way to make the eggs. Can’t wait to try in the morning! Jane

  2. I love poached eggs, but thought it was too much of a pain to make them. I'm going to try this! (I also love mashed avocado-that picture looks great.)

  3. Perfect timing! I'm planning on making Eggs Benedict for dinner tonight, and poaching eggs never goes particularly well for me. I'm going to try this!

  4. Do you squeeze half a fresh lime into your mashed avocado? Add plenty of pepper (and a little salt)? I've also been known to make egg salad using mashed avocado and lime juice instead of mayonnaise. Delicious!

  5. I don't like avocado either in spite of living in SoCal for over 50 years.😝 DH says they're "creamy"... I say "slimy"..I think it's an acquired taste...like Scotch..

  6. The texture is so gross to me. It's something about the green flavor & texture. Maybe my mind wants it to be sweet, like Easter candy

  7. Eating more protein will help you lose weight too, as it makes you feel fuller for longer, so that's an extra bonus. Good luck.

  8. Love avocado toast. We’ve got a pretty little pottery microwave egg poacher that I bought at an art show. It works quite well but I have not mastered getting the yolk soft. You can also scramble eggs, add veggies and/or cheese to your liking and zap. No fats necessary like pan frying.

  9. I'm not so much on plain avocado, but in a spicy spread or salsa, or on a sandwich is good.
    I had to make my own no salt Everything Bagel mix - the stuff (Sam's brand?) I got at WM was WAY too salty. I've been wondering if there's a way to get the salt out of the rest - the though of tossing those yummy seeds in the trash doesn't sit well with my frugal side.

  10. Coni, is there a reason behind eating the poached eggs versus the scrambled? Just curious! I am not of fan of mashed/smashed avocado and simply can't gag it down. So, I don't! Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Nope...Rich just happened to say how much he liked poached eggs, so I decided to figure out how to make them. It is nice, though, that there is no butter or spray required!

    2. I love poached eggs as long as the whites are cooked. They provide something different when you want eggs.

  11. Hang on a sec…
    *runs off to try the poached egg thing*

  12. I just discovered the poached egg trick last week. I have been playing with them all week. I find 72 sec does two eggs just a tad too much.
