Jan 6, 2023


Just a few quick notes as I head out for provisions, Dearies.

The new kidney is having a proteinuria issue, which means it's time to add a few new meds and ramp up the exercise and weight loss efforts significantly.


Secondly, I have received several lovely notes from you asking about my column in Needlepoint Now magazine. When Miss Elizabeth sold the magazine, she indicated that the new owners might reach out, but when they didn't, I assumed that they wanted to go in a different direction. No drama...just a transition to a new team!

Happy Friday! I hope the weekend is wonderfully swell!


  1. Wishing you the best with your health. I am so bummed out to hear that you won't be writing a column any longer for Needlepoint Now. It was always the first thing I read in the magazine.

    1. Yes, that is very disappointing as always the first thing I looked for.

  2. Sending all the best thoughts your way as you start new meds and such.

    Amy in NJ

  3. I hope the new meds and routine make your kidney happy again! Maybe the new Needlepoint Now owners are still working out changes? Perhaps if people want your columns to continue, they need to let them know?

  4. Just 5 minutes I tell myself when it's time for my exercises to combat osteoporosis. Remarkably, once I start I usually go longer. We are cheering for you.

  5. Coni, you have got this between the additional meds and the gumption to protect/keep that new kidney. Start with 5 minutes and go from there. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day! Thinking of you.

  6. For the kidney issue - you've got this! For the NN column, they will be hearing from me!

  7. Anyone else that is interested in contacting Needlepoint Now Magazine to ask that Coni's column be added back - the email address is "editor@needlepointnow.com"

    1. I wrote to the editor of Needlepoint Now and Andrea responded that she has tried to contact Coni about continuing the column but got no response. Sounds like a miscommunication? Maybe Coni needs to contact her?

    2. I got the same email. Coni, hope you reach out to her!

  8. Must admit I will miss your stories, it was one of the main reasons I got my subscription. Sandra
