Jan 9, 2023


Goodness, gracious me,  Dearies!

As some of you know, for many years I wrote a silly column that Miss Elizabeth was kind enough to publish in her magazine, Needlepoint Now.

I enjoyed this immensely, and looked forward to my bi-monthly opportunity to share my crazy someplace other than this here blog. I cherish the relationships I made along the way.

Miss Elizabeth sold the magazine, and the new owners have just produced their first issue, but my column is not in it. This is not the result of anything nefarious...I promise you.  It appears that all of this mish-a-goss is simply the result of missed communication.

You are all just lovely to write and comment and write and comment and write and comment that you are concerned and disappointed, and I hope this here post will assuage your concerns. We're still besties, Dearies. You can count on me to keep you up to speed with all of my shenanagins right here at SpinsterStitcher Central. I also attempt postings on the Instagrams and the FaceBooks, but this is "home" and we can be comfy here without the rest of the world getting their sticky fingers all over our pretty stuff.

On that note...

It would appear that one of my neighbors got a puppy for Christmas, and that this might be the day of my new neighbor's return to work. The poor baby has been howling and crying and crying and howling since early this morning, and my heart and nerves are beyond the breaking point. Do you suppose I could raise enough bail money to get out of the pokey if I stuff myself through a window or two to rescue the poor little thing? Rich finds it amusing that my instinct is to put a note on everybody's door announcing that I would be happy to babysit (since it's 3:30 in the afternoon and I'm still sporting my pajamas), but I just feel so bad for this lonely little creature bawling its eyes out.

No news yet on the state of BellyBean, but to say I'm being super-diligent is an understatement. Thank you, though, for all of your continued prayers and well wishes...

The sun is shining, my damn good cup has been refilled, and I'm going to settle in for a few hours with needle and thread! What's new with you?


  1. Babysitting a neighbor's puppy might be EXACTLY what you need, Coni ;) Good luck.! pv

  2. Lonely puppy needs a gramma!😊🐶

  3. Nothing like a sweet little puppy to bring you out of the doldrums!

  4. Poor thing! Perhaps you could offer to go over a couple times during the work day and take him/her out for a bit of fresh air.

  5. That just might work - puppy gets an extra walk or two, you get some more exercise in. Not the puppies fault, but I'd be stressed out listening to its tales of woe all day too.

  6. My first thought was, oh Spinster MUST start babysitting that puppy!

  7. You were very missed in the latest issue of Needlepoint Now! I would be feeling very sad for the puppy too. Babysitting sounds like a wonderful idea, and good for both of you!

  8. I think that they may really like the idea of you puppy sitting when you can. No one likes to leave a puppy by themselves when they go to work. And like people already said, it would be good for both of you.

    Happy New Year!

  9. Oh I'm loving this idea. I'm past that stage of life as a pet owner. Retirement has brought just as much activity but not on a regular schedule. It would be dreadfully unfair to a furbaby. But the occasional pet sitting or checking would appeal to me. Kind of like the grandkids you can love on and then send back home. Although my grands are all furs. Might be just the fur fix and exercise add for you as well!!

  10. Puppysitting would just be a perfect job! I do hope you get in touch with them. I want puppy pictures :)
