Nov 7, 2022



This is the Fall equivalent of sitting by the pool, I think. It dawned on me this morning that I enjoy sitting in the big girl sleigh bed in the mornings because I can bask in the gorgeous sunlight and I can watch the world outside.

So I think this might become an everyday ritual, and not just a weekend thing.

Laundry day today, but I'm in no hurry to get moving. I'm feeling particularly lazy and indulgent, and think I might just stop to-doing for a minute and remember how hard I wished for days like this when I was sitting in the dialysis chair.

On that note, I will wish you Dearies a very happy Monday, and I hope you have your own moments of peaceful bliss anytime you want them or need them this week. What does that look like for you? Come tell me all about it!


  1. Well, you could throw a load in and go back to the big girl sleigh bed…kinda like a snooze alarm…move sploshed to dryer…rinse repeat…^ ^ 🤗

  2. Sounds like a peaceful way to start your day. I started a new job recently so I am up way too early for my liking but I am really enjoying the job so fair trade off I guess :)

  3. It sounds like a good way to get the day started. I had lunch along with stitching with my friend at the Panera yesterday. Enjoy your Tuesday, Coni!

  4. I'm curious do you use multiple pillows to sit yourself up in bed? I seem to slide down, but I understand with the sun shining down on your face and my kitty over my head it is lovely.

  5. Yes...I use three pillows!
