Oct 24, 2022


I used to get up on a Saturday morning, crank the radio up, pull my hair back into a pony tail and don some old bike shorts and a t-shirt, and clean my house like an Amish woman. Top to bottom, every crack and crevice spick and span and tidily disinfected to within an inch of its life.

Then I would shower and dress, do hair and makeup, and go to the bank, the dry cleaner, the car wash, the pharmacy, the Targets, and the grocery...take everything home and put it all away, and then get ready to out for dinner and shenanigans.

Today I did two loads of towels and half-assed attempted to wash the inside of the fridge out before Rich helped me put the grocery order away that had been delivered, and I'm heading to bed with a headache and everything so sore you would think I had done all of the above with a sofa strapped to my back.


(I am, however, IMMENSELY thankful to have a fridge full of good and healthy food, so please don't think me ungrateful. I do, in fact, realize that me being fat, old, and completely out of shape is fixable. My comments are merely an observation.)

Covid booster, flu shot, and second shingles vac tomorrow, Dearies, so it might be a minute before you hear from me again!  In the meantime, I hope you are doing the things that make your heart sing happy songs! Come tell me all about it!



  1. Oh geeez, those days of massive cleaning, shopping, and ready for a fun night vanished for me a long time ago too. At 70, if the house gets 'somewhat cleaned' in a day I'm doing fantastic. Grocery shopping has become an all day event.
    The shingles shot was wicked for me. The 1st one was easy peasy but the 2nd threw me down and shook me to the core. My hubby didn't feel a thing. Hope you breeze thru that shot.

  2. Well, two out of three aren't bad. I'm sure you can't do anything about that old age thing. I find it disconcerting that my brain thinks I'm 50 and my 70 year old body thinks it's 110. Arrgghh!

  3. I barely made it through cleaning our tiny galley kitchen & starting dinner!
    Good luck with your shots- I had the flu & COVID booster last month. Individually, they knock me out for a couple of days. Together, I had a slight fever the next day & a sore arm for 3 days and that was it

  4. Smooth sailing with manageable results on the shots. Take it slow
    and recover at ease.

  5. I hope and pray you have minimal reactions from your shots, Coni. Those days of cleaning are distant memories (notice I didn't say fond). I do what I can (or want) and call it good. Thinking of you!

  6. I'm 64 have numerous health concerns & haven't been able to do all that in a day since I was 25 either. Thing is I don't worry about it anymore IF I can do it all in a week I'm so thrilled. IF I can't so be it. I live alone so no one to tattle

  7. Yikes — 3 shots in a day! Next Tuesday, I’ll get my flu shot and, I hope, 5th Covid. I’m planning for one in each arm, so I won’t be able to do anything except read, watch TV, and maybe some light stitching.

  8. I got the Covid and flu shots the same day in the same arm, and the only problem I had was the itching. Good luck and God Bless.

  9. I used to do everything in one day as well...now it’s one room a day, if that!

    1. Me too Mary. And I'm lucky if that happens to be honest.

  10. Oh dear the three shots all at once! I hope you feel well afterwards.

  11. Ah, aging slips up on you. I used to be very active, involved, execising, etc. So much has changed. Getting old isn't hell, as some say; it's a matter of attitude adjustment. So I'm adjusting, already. So there!

  12. This just cracks me up! I have no health problems. And I used to do all those things in the first half of the day too. In fact I used to clean our house and clean other’s homes too for 6 years. I shutter to think! You at least had a kidney transplant for a reason for having less energy. I got nuthin’! Just being 67 years old isn’t good enough for an excuse. Walked 3 miles, did laundry, cleaned toilets and some other putzing around and I’m kaput.
