Oct 4, 2022


In The West Wing,  one of my favorite scenes is when Danny gives CJ a goldfish named Gail, because Josh tells him that CJ is crazy about goldfish and can't get enough of them. As he's standing there with the goldfish in the bowl to give to CJ, she bursts into laughter and explains that the goldfish she loves are the little cheese crackers that you get at parties.

Rich was heading "to the market" as he likes to say, and I said "Lovey, can you please grab a bag of candy corn and Autumn mix and little pumpkins for my jar?", and he mumbled something about not liking candy corn and off he went.

When I awoke from my nap, here's what greeted me:

I'm still laughing about it and he still hasn't figured out why.

Happy Tuesday, everybody! It's National Taco Day!


  1. Aww he's cute isn't he :) I'm sure you will enjoy those little pumpkins too.

  2. LOL....Just as adorable as the goldfish story. His heart
    was in the right place, bless him.... Enjoy.....

  3. Oh aren't they perfect! Funny, sweet and he is a keeper! Cheerio, Kerry xx

  4. Well, I guess at least he did hear "LITTLE pumpkins". They are pumpkins*, they are little. You could have ended up with one big enough to enter in a giant pumpkin contest. Too funny, thanks to the both of you for the giggle this morning.

    Every time I tried to type "pumpkin", I got "pumpking". Come on coffee, do your magic!!
