Sep 20, 2022



By the time the coverage of The Funeral started at 5am, your intrepid spinster had not had one wink of sleep. I went to bed early with good intentions of getting up in time to see everything, but I could not actually fall asleep to save my life.

So I watched and cried and cried and watched for the better part of nine hours, with quick breaks for more damn good and cold water splashes on my eyes. I felt be able to witness history, and was particularly moved by the constant remembrance that this was not just a Queen, but a wife, a sister, a daughter, a mother, an aunt, a grandmother, a great-grandmother, and a woman of deep and abiding faith.

Thank you for sharing her with the world, Great Britain. God save the King!

So then I pulled it together just a bit, took a little nap, made dinner, and then did my nails for the week:

I think, believe it or not, that this set is called Royal Celebration. They're a bit of a mess, but they'll do for the next few days of shenanagans.

We're supposed to play the golfing this afternoon, but I spy a thunderstorm approaching, so we might have to wait until tomorrow. That will actually be better for me, since it is prep day for my colonoscopy on Thursday, and I won't be able to eat anything all day and could use a nice distraction.

I'm off to fold laundry, Dearies! I did wash and dry everything, but it is sitting in the basket awaiting finishing. A quick fluff in the dryer, and it will be ready to roll!

No stitching last night, I'm afraid. I promise to remedy that and share updates soon!

What's new in your neck of the woods? I hope you're happy and safe and well and that you'll come tell me all about it!


  1. We have the rest of our lives to catch up on the sleep missed Sunday night. Witnessing history was well worth it.

    Good luck with your colonoscopy later this week.

    Amy in NJ

  2. I started watching at midnight and made it to 6:45 - I missed the second service but at least I saw the first one. I'm still dragging today, but so I could witness the history.

  3. For a different perspective on Queen Elizabeth, I listened to audiobooks by S J Bennett, with the Queen solving mysteries. Light and fun!

  4. I've packed and re-packed and changed suitcases and re-did carryon bags repeatedly for the last 4 days. You'd think I'd never been on vacation before!! Thank goodness we leave tomorrow this madness. Debby in CO

  5. I started watching at 11 p.m. on the West Coast and stayed up for the whole shebang. Like you say, it's history!! I don't think the next Royal funeral will match this, so seeing all the pomp and circumstance had to be done!! :) Hope to be caught up on sleep by tomorrow.

  6. Your nails look lovely. I watched bits and pieces of the Funeral. I hope your colonoscopy goes okay later this week, Coni. Thinking of you!
