Jul 13, 2022


I started this beautiful Futzingday morning with an appointment with a diet doctor.  She basically told me things that could have sent a normal person into a tailspin, but because I have a head like a rock, I decided to just do what I know...eat better things, reduce portions, and move my heiney.

I suspect that this doctor was very knowledgable and well-intentioned, but has never been presented with a 56-year old post-menopausal woman who had thyroid cancer, has Crohn's, and got a new kidney, because she seemed at a loss as to how to come up with an explanation other than "This is a total crapshoot, kid, and next to impossible to pull off".

But this is me we're talking about, so I'm armed with lots of good things to eat and an appointment with the gym tomorrow morning.

Progress continues on Baked Alaska:

And my latest nail wraps make me very very cheerful, indeed:

So that's my report for the day, Dearies. Two more loads of laundry to fold and it's back to stitching! Grilled chicken and salad for dinner!


  1. How is it that we *know* to “ eat better things, reduce portions, and move my heiney” but can’t seem to do them consistently?

  2. Is that what the doctor really said? If so,that seems unprofessional.

    1. No....she was very professional, but didn't seem to have any good news or a plan. She felt that a 10% reduction would be all I should expect, and that due to my extremely limited options, success is not likely.

      Phooey to that...I'm going to prove medical science wrong! 😬

    2. I love that attitude, I know that you can prove medical science wrong! We are all cheering for you from the sidelines!

  3. The gut issues alone are enough to make a health professional pause; throw your Unique Specifications into the mix, and yeah, it's a crapshoot. But like you said, you can pretty much figure it out. This ain't your first rodeo. Good luck, sweetie. - p.

  4. My experience of dietitians (without having a medical backstory like yours) is lots of telling me what I already know (one with a big smirk that made me want to pick him up and shake him) and very little of helping me to find strategies to put it into practice. Good luck!

  5. Coni, your willpower is very strong when you do take control again. Mine lasts as long as - ooh look, squirrel. But happy nails makes a happy person. Baked Alaska coming on a treat too.
    From Kerry

  6. Baked Alaska is looking awesome, Coni! Love the new nail wraps! Coni, I love your attitude and I know you will and can do it. Remember, slow and steady will get you there.

  7. I lost 30 pounds last year..at age 61. It came down to counting my macros…eating a whopping 80 grams of protein a day and watching my refined carbs. Walking 30 minutes four times a week. It took a year, but…… I did it. And never gave up my vodka tonics or wine.
    I did it, so I know you can do it.
    My beau told me about these little protein “shooters” that are 30 grams of protein each. By Proteinex. On Amazon. Or Premier Protein shakes.
    Getting enough protein was hard, but possible. I also bought a nutrition sidekick journal on Amazon that helped me stay positive and record things. It really helped.
    I took a break over the past 3 months and haven’t gained any back. Now it’s on to lose the last 20 starting in August!
    You got this, Coni!
