Jul 17, 2022


Friday morning labwork, followed by a stop at Panera for a little breakfast and damn good:

Oh my goodness! I haven't been inside our Panera in a very long time! It's beautiful! The perfect place for me to enjoy killing some time.

And then...POOF...the lights went out.

No worries. I'll just sit here and finish breakfast and enjoy my book:

I ended up chatting with the manager and staff and other patrons instead, and we all commented that it was rather nice to just sit in the quiet and enjoy the company of strangers for a moment. But that didn't last very long, because the manager gently reminded her staff that they were all still on the clock and that there were plenty of things they could be doing.

So I went back to my book, the other patrons went back to their own conversations, and the staff went about getting their lists done with good cheer.

From there, it was a spontaneous trip over to the House of Stitches. Normally, it's not too bad of a drive, but torrential rain and ridiculously heavy traffic made me sit up, grip the wheel, grit my teeth, and pay attention.

I've been seeing these lovely girls all over the interwebs, and "Up In The Air" particularly struck my fancy. Miss Linda had the perfect piece of linen for her, so into the basket she went...along with a few other things to keep her company on the ride home.

After my adventures in Indianapolis seeing the exhibit, how could I resist her? Besides...I had already checked out and was almost to the door when Miss Linda showed her to me, but there was no way I could leave her behind!

(As with everything, I have to ruin it with total extremes, but can you imagine an entire wall of all of these girls hanging together?!  Oh...I swoon to think of how pretty that would be!)

Saturday was a very quiet reading, stitching, napping day, but I did manage to play with my nails:

I get a chuckle out of myself with these crazy patterns on every nail, and fondly remember the Spinster who used to be horrified if all ten fingers and all ten toes didn't perfectly match. But playing with these silly wraps is kind of my thing now, and my nails and cuticles are healthy and happy, so I'm going to continue to enjoy them until good sense tells me otherwise.

Today looks like it's going to be another quiet one as well. Cloud cover is going to prevent me from going to the pool, but I have plenty to keep me busy and out of trouble:

I hope your very own weekends have been perfectly swell, Dearies! If you are suffering through heat, please keep yourself cool and hydrated! My latest sippy cup is going to accomplish that here in Hoosierville:

I know, I know....another sippy cup. This one is a 64oz Bubba with a rubberized finish in cobalt blue. He will provide me with an entire day's iced lemon water, keep it cold for 24 hours, and also stand in as a weapon in the even that a bad guy breaks into CS2.

(I'm also getting quite a nice arm workout every time I lift him for a sip. He is definitely a BIG boy!)

(Please don't judge me. I have more issues than Readers' Digest, am supposed to drink a lot of water for my new Beanie Bean, and besides...some women collect $25,000 handbags!)

So I'm off like a very well-hydrated herd of turtles to continue my Sunday. I hope yours is wonderful and that you'll come tell me all about it!


  1. Love Ms, Van Gogh. Between COVID and health issues, I haven’t managed to see the exhibit here.

  2. Love the Van Gogh gal...I just got a Bubba cup...great for holding the ice and cold.

  3. I like those patterns! Though I'm not sure I'm ready to stitch on black again for the Van Gogh one yet. I'm still challenging myself though - I have the 40 count cut for His Eye is On the Sparrow.
    Weeding while it's not so stinkin' hot was my weekend activity, back at it today. But I *did* get a granddaughter snuggle in Sunday night so the weekend wasn't all drudgery.

  4. 4 days post knee replacement surgery & I'm living vicariously through you, Miss C! I'm hoping that the brain fog lifts today & I can play with some of the stitchy kits I assembled beforehand. My sippy cup is also a 64 oz beast, with a purple tie dye pattern. (I had to promise Mom & my doctors that I would only use it for water & not my iced coffee)

  5. Wow, you've had a full weekend, with promise of more fun to come! Hubs and I had a pleasant surprise with not just one grandchild (child? almost 22) but two more and a boyfriend of the girl. Grandpa kept them busy with helping spread asphalt in the driveway; I kept them busy in the off hours with putting a gorgeous jigsaw puzzle together. They all are SO sweet and we had a great time.

  6. We all have our collections. When I worked at a bird store, I'd tell people that I could be collecting 'empty alcohol bottles', drugs, or other men 😉 These days it's fabric, sewing machines, so much yarn

  7. Had a wonderful week vacation in Alaska and am back to normal routines again. I'm fortunate to have enough fabric and yarn to keep me occupied making quilts and knitting socks. Oh yeah, cooking occasionally too.

  8. I love your new patterns! Barbara Ana is quickly becoming one of my favorites! A wall of those lovely ladies would look perfect at CS2 :)

  9. Love the multi coloured nails!
    Weather is back to cold, wet and windy! But the next lot of ducklings have hatched. Hard to see how many - estimate 12 to 14 - because they are in one big pile of floof and then mum sits on them! No sewing for me yet - am really itching to get working on my quilts.
    Have a good one and enjoy the lemon water.
    Kerry xx
