Nov 10, 2021


One minute I'm fine and functioning like a real live adult human, and the next I'm face down in a pillow so tired I could cry. My energy levels are completely inconsistent and unpredictable, but according to the doctor I saw yesterday this is completely normal and part of the healing process.

I forget that I'm still "healing" and that I have an open incision on my lower region that is still pretty significant. It is getting better each and every day, to be sure, but it's still an open incision of some significance and is taking a lot of my stamina to heal.

Today I am going to focus on rest and eating well, and when they come to clean the room, I'm going to head down to do my laundry and sit outside for a bit to enjoy some fresh air. I don't have any other "should dos" on my list, but there are a few "want tos" like stitch, color, and feel better.

So that's it for me today. Still doing very well and getting good reports from clinic (creatinine 1.2) and weight holding stable since admission, but just a little low on the oomph scale today. 

What's new with you?


  1. Coni, right now your super power is to rest. Thinking of you!

  2. Rest dear friend is all you need to do. Healing is the most important thing right now stitching etc will come later.

  3. Rest, heal, just let go. You've got a lifetime more of "doing" once you get past all this. ox

  4. Rest is best. We’ll still be here. Please just take care of you!! Donna

  5. Amazing, really, that you have any times of feeling fine after just receiving a kidney transplant :) Here's to keeping on with keeping on with rest and good nutrition...and patience and being kind to yourself.

  6. OK…….Remember……at the end of a storm is a golden sky…..that’s where you’re headed.

  7. I once heard of patience as being fully aware of and accepting
    God's timing... Healing, if done in His timing, means you
    "submit", sit back and allow Him to bring to fruition what is
    best for you.... Perhaps a bit simplistic, but it makes one
    pause and put things into perspective. Rest, feed your body and soul and allow Him to do the Rest....

  8. When I think about the changes your body has been through I’m not surprised that you are tired! Patience is hard but the payoff is great 😁

  9. I believe everyone thinks they should recover from any type of surgery very quickly. That is when the Human Body laughs and says take it easy. Resting is the best thing for you now. Prayers for s speedy and complete recovery.

  10. I would think that with what you've been through, your energy levels being up and down is just part of the healing process. Don't fret, just go with it. Let your body heal in it's own time. If you have a high energy day do things you want or need to do. If you have a low energy day just rest.

  11. You’ve got this! Be easy on yourself

  12. You are doing so amazing Coni! Rest is so important to healing. It's human nature to think we should always be 'doing' but your most important job right now is to make sure your body gets the rest it needs. Sending love and prayers. Take good care.

  13. I describe it as 'hitting a wall'. You can feel that 'wall' coming towards you and you know it is time to Stop. And when I was working, I used to say the same to colleagues who had surgery or other trauma. Listen to your body and when it wants to call a halt. Hope you lose the wound vac soon. It is liberating not to have to carry that around all the time.
    Hope you will be increasing your stitching speed soon.

  14. Your body has been through MAJOR trauma! Even recovering from the effects of anesthesia in a minor surgery can take a couple of weeks. Patience, my dear, and listen to and heed your body's messages. So glad you're doing so well!
