Nov 11, 2021


I lounged most of the day yesterday, and at 3pm finally got myself together and headed down to do laundry. This time, I sat the the Great Room lobby area at a big table in front of the fireplace to wait for the sploshing to finish, and I'm happy to report that I stitched the time away!

The lighting was perfect for me to be able to see through the dark brown aida, and the addition of the special cloth Miss Charlene gifted me years ago that is white on one side and dark on the other also helped tremendously.

Needless to say, I was very happy to be able to play with needle and thread again without too much difficulty.

An early dinner from PF Chang's (pepper steak on rice thankyouverymuch) was the perfect ending to a perfect day. My meals were all significantly better yesterday, so I celebrated the fact that I stayed on track. I crave protein and have been eating gyros and steak on rice and grilled chicken on top of salads...all of which are recommended by my team to heal. Once I get home, however, it will be back to a bit more stringent diet of salmon, eggs, and lots and lots of veg and fruit.

Today is starting slowly, and I will eventually need to get cleaned up and dressed for Cheryl's arrival. She will be here at noon and then we are going for manicures and pedicures at 1:00 up in Castleton at a beautiful place we found there. An indulgence for me for sure, but one that I am going to enjoy and view as part of my recovery. I can't quite bend enough to take care of my toes myself, and having my hands groomed will be a nice little mental boost, so I am going to just appreciate it rather than feel guilty.

Tomorrow will be another clinic visit and dressing change. I am really hoping that we can start to narrow in on a schedule for the next part of the journey. If all goes according to plan, the wound vac will come off next week and then I can head home that weekend and just come down to Indy once a week or once every other week to see the team. Then, my visits will be once a month up in Mishawaka at my old nephrologist's office.

But I don't want to get ahead of myself and try to plan or control, because we all know what happens when I do. God laughs and points me in an entirely different direction, and my tiny little brain fritzes out and drama ensues.

So....surrender and trust the process.

Tomorrow will be 34 years since Mom died, and then Sunday will be 5 years since Stewey died. I feel them both so much lately, and know that they have been here pulling me through...thank goodness!

Happy Thursday, Dearies! I hope life is swell for you and that your corner of the world is cozy, happy, healthy, and wonderful! Come tell me all about it!


  1. Hi Coni: good to hear you had a productive day. That always makes me feel better.

    One thing that may help with stitching on dark fabric is to have some 'back light'. When you are out with your buddy, see if you can find some of those stick-up lights that go in closets, LED with a battery. You set it under the fabric to shine up and highlight the weave. You can test the theory by placing the fabric in front of a lamp and see if back light may be helpful.

    What is the project? I must have missed a post. Have a good one!
    M in NC

  2. I'm so happy things are going well. Enjoy your day, these treats really do help heal.

  3. It sounded like you had a perfect FutzingDay yesterday, Coni! Enjoy your time with Cheryl today and your day out. What are you stitching on the pretty brown aida?

  4. So happy to read this post and see that you're doing so well! Continuing to keep you in my prayers!

  5. The progress you are making !! Your day sounds like the best
    Coni day you could have...stitching and dining after. The
    mani/pedi the next day is the ideal topper. You have carried
    the years without Mom and Stewey with grace and, no doubt, they were with close you throughout this episode in your life.
    Have a great day and here is hoping your coming schedule goes
    well and gets you back home as soon as can be.

  6. Something to make you smile Coni. From previous posts I believe you are a Downton Abbey fan. I recently started the series and I too am enjoying the lovely period costumes along with the sterling cast. So today I am talking on my cell to a company that sold us a hot water heater explaining I can’t seem to get the pilot to light and we do not have hot water. The nice man asks me when was it that I noticed the hot water was out? Without hesitation I said, “it was last night when I went to DRAW A BATH”!😄

  7. So happy to hear of your progress...very proud of you!

  8. Been in and out of the hospital a lot the last 2, 3 years. I was working on a sampler, and noticed the DH was watching me very closely. Asked him what was up. Said that he's noticed that when I'm getting sick, I slack off on my needlework, and when I'm on the mend, I pick it back up again. It's become a measure for him as to how well I'm doing.

  9. Glad to hear you are continuing to heal and now stitching some too. Wonderful.

  10. Imagine if you will, your beloved Stewey sitting on your beautiful mother's lap and both of them watching over you and cheering you on in your healing. Because they are.

  11. Coni, you have made so much progress in the last 2 or 3 weeks! I hope you have a fabulous weekend with Cheryl!

  12. That looks like a lovely place to do some stitching!
