Nov 9, 2021



Happy Tuesday, Dearies!

I'm here at the hospital....all by my lonesome today! I actually got up, bathed, and dressed, and then convinced JB that I might do well to drive myself to the hospital for clinic today. Besides, I argued, why should he spend his entire morning sitting in waiting rooms and cafeterias, when I can do so quote happily by myself and gain a little more independence in the process.

Nothing new to report at this moment. I've had labs drawn, vitals taken, and will see the team and get my wound vac dressing changed in a few minutes. Or hours. The timing of clinic is entirely unpredictable, so me sitting here by myself is actually better, since I don't have to fret about a caregiver being bored or wasting time, etc etc.

I am trying to convince everybody to allow me to ride out the remainder of my stay here on my own, but logistically it doesn't make sense. There will be plenty of time for me to revert back to my hermit spinster ways when I get home, so for now I guess I should just suck it up and be grateful.

Still not much stitching, I'm afraid. My hands are still a bit shaky and clumsy. I'll put in a few more minutes again this afternoon, but I think it's going to be a while before I'm back to full speed ahead.

I hope the day brings you lots of fun and frolic. Come tell me all about life in your little corner of the world!


  1. It's great that you can get yourself around to your appointments now. That's far more exciting than my day will be - it's time to make a supply run. Very little fun and frolic in that!

  2. Little by little you are getting there! Still praying!

  3. Your great determination is bringing you along, Coni, and look
    at the strides you have made. To go it alone so soon after your surgery is a sign you are winning the challenge. Just wait until you are back home to throw off the yoke. Even the stitching tempo will return once your Coni metronome is regulated again. Hope today goes smoothly for you. Blessings+

  4. Coni: keep up the good work and best wishes for a nice smooth clinic today. I saw your canvas work project. Looks interesting. A few stitches at a time when you feel like it.

    M in NC

  5. Honestly, you are doing so well!! I look at it as a result of a great Dr., a determined spirit (credit yourself), and a lot of prayer. You are in my nightly prayers (even though you don't know me). I'm celebrating your new life of not being hooked to buzzy a few times a week. Stitching will be waiting for you when you're ready. Blessings.

  6. You’re so brave to go it alone today, and I’m so proud of you! You are still in my prayers

  7. Good for you! It must have felt so good to be able to go by yourself! A little bit of your independence back :)

  8. I'm so happy to hear you're continuing to make such great progress, and also starting to get some independence back as well! Stitching will be there when you're ready. You continue to be in my prayers.

  9. Good to hear you are making forward progress. Continuing to lift you in prayer.

  10. Wonderful to hear of all this progress! We're rootin' fer ya!
