Oct 13, 2021


Today is Wednesday, October 13, 2021.

My last cup of damn good was on Wednesday, September 29, 2021.



Thanks to an amazon order that should be here tomorrow, God willing, and thanks to a DoorDash Meier grocery delivery, I should have a new little mini Keuring machine fired up and brewing within minutes, and then I'm going to make a big fat sippy cup full, and slurp to my heart's content.

I've been blaming my head-spinning hatefullness (of which my JB has taken the full ugly brunt) on meds, fear, pain, and general discomfort, but I'm seriously thinking that no damn good has completely changed me into an awful, awful beast.

Today I'm going to try to find a salon where I might be able to go for a hair wash and maybe even a hair cut. The dry shampoo has built up to a point that it's actually adding weight to the scale, and God knows I've got enough of that without any help.

I'll close for now, Dearies. I am presently in the clinic awaiting lab results, a nice big dose of pain meds, and then a dressing change. I managed to wear actual clothes today, so I'm feeling sassy and ready for anything Dr Goggins and the team have to throw at me, so let's go!


  1. Good Morning! I think a cup of damn good will put many things right and hope you are sipping away right now. Most of all - well 2nd most of all I hope you get a marvelous shampoo today. That will definately help set the world to rights. 1st most of all is I hope your labs are great and you can get some wonderful rest and recouperation because that means you might feel like stitchiing sometime soon. And we all know stitchng helps keep us sane. Love and hugs!

  2. That you can write so lucidly and humorously on pain meds is
    amazing...I would be off in la-la land...quite sensitive to them. Hope all the testing goes well, you get your hair retreaded, although it looks aok, probably doesn't feel so...
    but above all, a heft ration of damn good should set the world
    back on its axis for you. In any case, get your healing rest
    and ply the needle soon as possible. Continued prayers +

  3. Thinking of you, Coni! Hope your testing goes well, you get your damn good fill, and a good wash. Keep up your sassy self!

  4. Whatever you do, don't overdo it!!! The state of my hair is in direct proportion to my mood. Hopefully a good wash and fluff will help!

  5. Gurrrl! That is WAY too long to be decaffeinated. Hopefully a small dose will set things to rights again.

    Getting your hair done will help too. I took Mom to the salon after her last hospitalization & could have tied a ribbon to her ankle and floated her home like a balloon afterwards, she was so happy!

    Hugs to you & JB!

  6. Woo-hoo— clothes and coffee! Definitely designed to make you feel better.

  7. Wonderful News! Pamper yourself in between the "must do" appointments. You deserve it! Continuing to send good thoughts your way!

  8. YOu could check with the clinic staff for somewhere very close for a wash and cut but donwtown doesn't offer much. But with the campus and two hospitals right there, it may have something. Make sure you include the word Indianapolis in a search engine otherwise it will show you Bloomington (main campus of IU). Ask your hotel people too.THey probaly are used to questions like that. GLad to see that things are going somewhat normally. It's been a long wait. Hang in there.

  9. Over and over in your comments I am seeing Gods hand at work. The fact you are zero dialysis now, you are up and moving around, going outside. So amazing. Keep up the good work. I haven’t had my hair cut since pre COVID. My salon shut down. On a whim I went to the Walmart hair salon. Yep. Truly did. Great cut. Great gal. Cheap price! What can I say. Miracles abound everywhere.

  10. It's no surprise that you've been on an emotional roller coaster, with or without your damn good! The transplant team probably alerted you to that likelihood. For your and JB's sake, it's bound to be limited. Soon you'll be back to feeling yourself.

  11. See? Better already, just THINKING about getting a little control over the situation. Baby steps!! -p.

  12. So long without caffeine?! You'll feel much better when you get some!

  13. Oh man......14 days w/o COFFEE??????? Yowza....pretty sure I'd be admitted to ICU for that! Girlfriend, you are a Super Star! Luv,

  14. I bet that will be the best cup of coffee you ever had after 14 days without :) Enjoy!
