Oct 12, 2021


There is a shower/WC, but I figure you know what those look like. Unfortunately, all of my bathing has been at the sink, but the moment I am cleared to do so, I'm getting into that shower and not coming out until they haul me out.

Time for a nap, I think. I've been up a few times for snacks and a little visiting with JB, but my stamina is not quite back yet.

Happy Tuesday, Dearies!


  1. So happy to see your face again. You're making progress (never as fast as one wants, but progress just the same). And you know that those naps are medicine themselves...giving your body time to concentrate on healing. Continued prayers and best wishes!

  2. There you are!!! Glad to see your (smiling??) face. Good luck and good naps to you.

  3. Woo Hoo!!! - - I do believe that there is a convalescent in the hotel!!! - so lovely to see you Connie - you must feel as if there are a million nosy people looking over your shoulder every moment of the day - - but really, we're all so proud of you and hoping for your continued improvement!

  4. Note: the most important thing, next to the new kidney, is that your hair is cute.

  5. So glad you are recovering! Give yourself time to heal while knowing that we are all cheering for you!

  6. Coni you look great! Hope you’re getting a little bit better every day.

  7. You look terrific, I’m glad to see you back at CS3!

  8. Great to see you and your recovery suite. Sending good wishes and hugs.

  9. Glad you’re “home”! Get some rest and hope you don’t get admitted at your next clinic.

  10. You look fantastic! Hoping your recovery goes smoothly from here on out 🤞🏻

  11. It is so good to see your face! For your naps...may you have sweet, sweet, sweet lil Stewey dreams

  12. Darling....you look mahhvalous!!😍



  13. We just need to get your pretty smile up into your eyes, sweetie. It'll happen. But yes, your hair rocks. All the stitching stuff and Stewie just kill me.

    Baby steps. Breathe. ox-p.

  14. Not exactly what I would call a "festive" room, but it's sure great to see you, honey!!!!

  15. Coni, so happy to see you! Woohoo!

  16. That kidney looks good on you, girl! Marissa and I never go anywhere without our pop-up hamper, too! Just one question--WHERE THE HECK IS MISTER COFFEE?!

  17. So happy you’re at CS3! It looks like you are all moved in and very organized! Rest and heal, and yes to the hair comments!

  18. You look beautiful! So glad you are back at CS3. Rest, rest and more rest will help you heal! Praying 🙏🏻

  19. You look great! Your place is almost identical to the rehab I was in for 3 weeks in July. And for no shower your skin and hair are wonderful. Mine - I broke out in acne like a teenager and my hair always looked oily in spite of the dry shampoo caps they had. That first shower felt so good but also reminded me how weak I still was. Prayers for a fast recovery!

  20. Good to see you. You're looking good considering what you've been through. Hope everything continues to go well for you in your recovery. Your new temporary digs are very nice.

  21. You look so healthy! You have colour in your face! So it's all going really well. HRH's cousin does talks on pain management (you name it, she has it - lots of bone issues) at her local hospital. You will get through this a lot faster than the lead up to it! Hoping you get the shout for the shower soon - probably a lot easier to manage than the sink!
    All the best to you and Mr JB too. CS2 - hotel with a twist! LOL!

  22. It's wonderful to see you! You look like this is agreeing with you --- I hope that you are able to keep the pain under control --- just rest and take care of yourself! Hugs and prayers --- Barbara

  23. You look fantastic! Who knew you have had surgery! Keep going forward!!

  24. Your temporary new house could use some cross stitch on the walls!! Baby steps are best, you'll have plenty of time for dancing and kicking up your heels after you rest. ;)

  25. You look great! Hope JB is doing well too!

  26. See, you ARE getting better. It's obvious from your face and your narratives. You'll hit a big "hump day" soon!
