Sep 1, 2021


I'm back in the saddle today, Dearies.  Four days of icks and ughs was enough for this portly spinster, but I can tell you that I'm still very glad and grateful I was able to get that booster. The symptoms weren't too bad, and nothing that a few Tylenol and a lot of fluid couldn't handle...but I missed you all terribly!

Life is still quiet at CS2. Mr Spinster remains in NJ with his mom and is checking in frequently to make sure I am behaving myself...which I am.

All of the packing materials have finally arrived for auction item shipping, so that operation will commence this afternoon after my post d-chair recovery nap and well into the weekend. It might not seem like a lot, but 21 packages is more than I've managed in quite some time, so please continue to bear with me!

In between sleeping and Tylenol-taking and fluid-drinking and chicken soup-slurping, I did manage to put a few stitches into Pretty Pumpkins:
I did this while bingeing my way through The Chair on the Netfix and Big Love on the HBO. I hadn't seen the first series, but enjoyed it immensely. As for Big Love...I think this is the third or fourth time through it. (I still haven't gotten new contacts and glasses, so my binges when stitching need to be something I can just listen to since I am having to stitch sans glasses.)

So that's it for me at the moment. Do come tell me all about life in your corner of the world! I am having to moderate comments to weed out the spam, but I promise to publish everything you write! (And if anybody knows how to fix this mess...I'm all ears. I have done everything I know to do, but am still getting quite a lot of junk.)


  1. My world - trying to get enthused about catching up on my cleaning, weeding, and other should-do things. Notice I said get enthused, not actually doing. Oh and listening to the thumps and bangs from the roof being re-shingled.

    I'm pretty sure I saw Pretty Pumpkins back when I had a LNS and thought not my style. Darn it, now I'm liking it very much! I'm glad you've recovered from the booster and that it didn't knock you flat.

  2. Your pumpkins are beautiful...that might be my next stitch!
    Honestly though, I hate to think of you spending time moderating. Maybe we could all promise to ignore the nonsense...scroll right past it like it doesn’t exist.

  3. Pretty Pumpkins is looking fabulous, Coni. Glad to hear you are feeling better! My world seems to be the same old same old at the moment although dreaming of fall.

  4. I love the pretty pumpkins stitch. I continue to work on "Grey Alien", but started a new stitch yesterday with a lot of beautiful colors in it. You take care my dear friend.

  5. I’m so glad to hear from you and that you did okay with the booster! The pumpkins are beautiful 😍. We’re having all day rain here in Lancaster PA, occasionally switching to torrential rain. No wind so far so I’m grateful for that!

  6. Oh Coni, my life would bore you to tears. Today laundry and dishes. And listening to acorns fall on my metal roof. Breakfast for dinner.

    Your pumpkins are gorgeous.

  7. Glad to see you back and that you are feeling better some. Pumpkins are gorgeous.

  8. Beautiful stitching Coni! Pumpkins are one of my favorite things! It's the same stuff here, but I did get my hair cut today and had lunch out with a dear friend....👍😁


  9. Very smokey here in sunshine or wind. Haven't stitched for several days, so where does the time go??? The holiday weekend might produce some needle and thread work...we'll see.

  10. Welcome back and so glad to hear you bore the side effects with your usual grit. Pumpkins is looking quite impressive. Attack
    the packing/mailing slowly and with ease. Be kind to yourself.

  11. Let me second what Denise said! My life would also bore you to tears. Retirement is fabulous and I love staying at home instead of zooming into work with all the other commuters. I have plenty to keep me busy with yard work, jewelry making, and cross stitch. I'm ready to finish one project and start another. For years I have done a Christmas cross stitch project and kept them all! I did so many projects as gifts over the years that I decided I should start doing some to keep. So now, I have a great collection of framed Christmas cross stitch! Some years I unpack them all and hang them in the hallway for the holidays and some years I don't. I enjoy looking at them the years that I do hang them -- great memories of enjoying the stitching process, the colors, and finally, the finished work. We all know the joys of handwork! One of life's greatest pleasures for me.

  12. Very glad to hear you are feeling better! The pumpkins are beautiful -- you do fantastic work. No excitement on this homefront in Texas. I'm sure my daily routine would bore most beyond belief. I am grateful for calm winds and moderate temps and my heart goes out to those who are yet again ravaged by hurricanes.

  13. Welcome back Coni! Glad you're over the booster hiccups. Pretty Pumpkins is looking lovely. I'm going to be sorting stuff to take to the recycling centre today - woohoo lol!

  14. Oh my those pumpkins are pretty! Glad you are feeling better! I am enjoying the last few days of summer vacation. I can't believe it is almost over!

  15. I'm so grateful you are feeling better and the booster wasn't an ordeal. So fun to read everyone's news. The pumpkins are elegant - a real favorite - but then aren't they all?! Hot and humid in Nebraska. I've not been MIA but lurking - terribly busy with lots of masses, funerals and weddings to play lately. Working slowly on the counted needlepoint Colorblock pattern by Kathy Rees. And avoiding housework at all costs.

  16. Glad you got your booster and are feeling better. Sorry about the four days of misery though. I got my 1st vaccine a week ago. I had a sore arm and a day of slight nausea, but that's behind me. Your pretty pumpkins is beautiful. Happy Labor Day weekend to you!

  17. Hi Coni, Do you know which fabric you selected for the pumpkins? They look fabulous!
