Sep 4, 2021


Well, Dearies...I made it. The auction items are all packaged, labeled, boxed, and ready to go to the post office, the laundry is finally done, folded, and neatly put away, CS2 is tidied back to some little semblance of itself, and I am now happily nested in my new stitchy perch on the sectional with Pretty Pumpkins and an iced coffee.

Will somebody remind me to do this every Saturday? Not the auction shipping part....but the chore-doing in the morning so that I can then have the entire rest of the weekend to

So that's my plan for the just sit and stitch and watch something mindless on the TeeVee and to really enjoy some nice relaxing quiet time before having to head back to the d-chair Monday morning.

(No Labor Day holiday for us, I'm afraid. I don't mind it so much, but I really do feel bad for the staff that has to come care for us on a holiday. God bless and keep them for giving up so much to keep us going!)

So that's it for me today. I hope your very own weekend is wonderful. Come tell me all about it!


  1. Hope the rest of your weekend is a good one, Coni! Love the view from your new stitchy spot on the sectional, but won't the happy chair be sad?!?!?!

  2. Love the picture of the critter! You "done good"! Today, our 51st anniversary, we're celebrating by reading the newspaper, knitting, eating warmed-up leftovers, and watching the stray cats outside. Woo. No fireworks, but we be quite content.

  3. Wow! You were on the ball! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
