Sep 8, 2021


Good morning, Dearies!

I have reached the point of contemplation with PrettyPumpkins. After finishing the leaf on the right side, I started to think that I might do the leaf on the left side and be done with this one completely. The bottom leaves shown in the photo from the chart seem just a little too "extra"...even for me.

My sister suggested that I do the leaf on the left and then tuck this away for a few days and then come back to it to see if I feel the same way. 

A good idea, I think, so after that left leaf goes in I'll see what else I can play with.

JB is en route to Indiana as we speak, and should be home late this afternoon. I'm praying for his safe travels and that we get ourselves into a good Fall routine that is healthy and happy for both of us.

My Spinstercation was a success, I think, in the overall productivity department since I got all of the auction items shipped, but not very good in the healthy eating department. I feel like I've swallowed a beach ball full of cement, so it's definitely time to dial up the carefulness again.

That's it for now. Buzzy and I are hooked up and doing our d-chair thing, and I think I might close my eyes for the duration. I just didn't sleep well last night, so find myself very very sleepy this morning.

Happy Futzingday, Dearies! I hope your day is full of fun and frolic! Come tell me all about it!


  1. I think I'd put in at least the 2 small leaves at the bottom. Maybe??? I think your sister has the right idea to think about it for a few days.

  2. I like your sister's suggestion although I do think like you with the look of the leaves on the bottom. Hope you and Buzzy have smooth sailing today and wishing you a relaxing rest of the day!

  3. pumpkins is a work of art and that framing treatment is quite
    enhancing... decide what seems most balanced to you regarding
    the leaves...know you will know best. In the meantime you are
    off to renewed contemplation and tying up all the ribbons for
    Fall. Welcome home to JB and Coni's pleasure in greeting him.

  4. Agreed no bottom leaves they almost overwhelm the beauty and detail of the pumpkins... take care:-)

  5. If you only do leaves on the top, I think you need to do one sticking up to the left or right of the middle pumpkin's stem. Or just do a few leaves under the middle pumpkin rather than the whole mess?

  6. I agree that the bottom leaves are a little overwhelming. I think that the plan to stitch the one of the left and then think about it is a good plan.

  7. Another thought... it seems like the pumpkins might look like they are floating without those leaves. Instead of any leaves, what about stitching shadows underneath? Nothing too bold, maybe a couple shades darker than the darkest shade in the linen?

  8. Without at least some leaves at the bottom, the pumpkins and top leaves are left floating in the air. Perhaps it's not that there are so many leaves as that they are a bit too dark and overpowering?

  9. They are pretty pumpkins indeed. I suppose a slight shadow underneath to show they are on the ground with perhaps a leaf or tendril? But what a position to be in - the choice of what to do for a feenee!
    Glad all went well and hope Buzzy behaves.
    Not been well for a while, hence being AWOL.
    Safe journey to Mr JB and now we look forward to the leaves changing colours.

  10. I'm not really struck on those leaves either. But I think it is the color in the picture. Your pumpkins are much more muted in color and the leaf you put in so far is very pretty so they might not end up being that extra in real life. Whatever you decide will be lovely!
