Apr 30, 2021


Monday: CT scan of the head and neck

Tuesday: phone call from doctor telling me "trouble" on scan...pharyngeal mass

Wednesday: attacked by bully while in the d-chair

Thursday: appt with ear, nose, throat doc cancelled en route...doc called into surgery

Frday...called back to family doc so she could discuss CT scan

Dearies, I am about as fritzed out as I have ever been. Let me start out immediately, though, and say that I am OK and the mass on the CT is thought to be a swollen lymph node. I will know more after visiting with the specialist next Tuesday.

So here's what happened:

You already know about Monday, so I will tell you that the phone rang on Tuesday morning as I was pulling my shoes on to go play golf. It was my family doc's medical assistant, and she was calling to tell me that the CT scan showed something that my doctor was concerned about and we needed to schedule a specialist asap.

For a normal person, this would have been a frightening phone call. For me....the room started spinning. I am a thyroid cancer survivor, and even though it's been almost 30 years now, nothing is ever just something simple...a headache becomes a brain tumor, a lump becomes non-Hodgkins.

(This doesn't make me a hypochondriac necessarily...just someone who is 55 years old, menopausal, a cancer survivor with Crohn's and end stage renal disease, who is on dialysis, and who is waiting for a kidney.)

(Oh...and with a family history that has been decimated by cancer and heart disease.)

So I freaked out completely, got in the car, and then chattered like a circus monkey the entire 40 minute ride to the golf course, and then the whole way around nine holes. Thank God for JB and my friend Cheryl...they know me and knew enough to just let me ramble on hysterically

On Wednesday, after an agonizing night of no sleep and stress off the charts, I went to dialysis and settled in for treatment. I told my tech Marcella what was going on, and she and I both cried a little that it seems like rain and pouring are a permanent part of my wheelhouse lately. I was sitting in my d-chair reading when a podmate came in for his treatment (late), made a big to-do of his being there, and then proceeded to turn on his music loud enough for the fish in the pond outside to hear.

(Podmate is on the other side of the half wall.)

I didn't say anything at first, but the longer it went and the more my head pounded and the higher my blood pressure went, I finally motioned Marcella over. I said that I hated to do it, but was there any way she could ask the gentleman to possibly turn his music down?

Marcella said "It's absolutely not a problem, Coni. He isn't supposed to be playing it anyway, and should put his headphones on."

Well, what was a simple request for some common courtesy went ugly, racial, personal, and awful in a split second. He stood up (while hooked to the machine...very very dangerous) and basically went batshit crazy on the "fat old white lady bitch that just wants to be in everybody's business" while glaring at me, pointing, and calling me every awful name in the book.

I am not ashamed to say that I was so completely stunned that I sat there in my chair shaking like a leaf, crying, with my heart in my chest, and wanting to crawl into the floor. 

The techs and nurses swarmed and calmed him down, but as soon as it was quiet again or a new person arrived for treatment, he stood up and went off again.

It. Was. Awful.

At the end of my treatment, the lead nurse came over and apologized profusely and told me that she was moving me back to my original pod on the other side of the building effective immediately, and that if he came near me or said anything to me to let her know and he would be dismissed from care.

I have been wracking and wracking my brain to try to figure out why I am still gutted by what happened, and the only thing I can come up with is that I got traumatized by a bully again and was completely helpless to do anything about it.

Wednesday night is a blur...I basically sat here and bawled to my JB and he listened lovingly and told me to just try to forget about it and concentrate on the next day's appointment with the specialist.

No sleep again, but I managed to get showered and dressed and was on my way to the specialist when his office called to tell me that they were going to have to re-schedule my appointment because he had been calked into an emergency surgery.

(This is where I ended up...in the parking lot of the Notre Dame bookstore, because I was afraid that if I didn't pull over and sit someplace while on the phone, I was going to crash into something or somebody.)

I'll fast forward through all of the hand-wringing, begging, and pleading for somebody to please just call me and talk me through the CT results, but all I could get was a lot of "I'll send the message back to the doctor".

JB left for New Jersey this morning, and soon after the phone rang and it was my family doctor asking me if I could be in her office in 20 minutes.

Off I went, convinced that it must be very bad for her to want to see me in person, so I white-knuckled it the whole way there, had a mini breakdown in the parking lot, and then finally made it in to see her.

Dr Niklinska came in with the report and read it to me sentence by sentence, explaining everything as she went along. The CT shows a 1.5cm mass that is an "oval retro pharyngeal nodule" at the level of C4 that is probably a lymph node. Nothing else looked amiss, but I do have some pretty significant arthritis in my neck, and "intracranial vascular calcifications" that she told me not to even think about right now. 

She ordered some labwork to see if anything showed up there, and told me to see the ENT on Tuesday and we would go from there.

I am home and in pajamas and have just finished a nice light lunch while the sheets and blankets do their thing in the laundry room. I paid bills, cleared the dining room table off, and added some potting soil to my fern, and I am officially DONE for the duration. 

A nice long nap will definitely be had once the bed is remade, and then I think it will be stitching and movies and a cozy blanket, and absolutely nothing else other than rest and calm for the remainder of the weekend. It is supposed to be gorgeous on Sunday, and I really really want to play golf, but I feel like I am right on the tippy tippy edge of a crash, so I want to re-gather my wits a bit before venturing out.

I'm going to put the iPad away and just enjoy some down time for a bit, so I will bid you all a-dew and hope that you and yours have a happy, healthy, peaceful, and lovely weekend!

Come tell me all about it!


  1. Don't take the gentleman seriously Coni. Sometimes folks who have chronic disease feel as if they have so little control over their lives allow anger to spill out in ways that are hurtful to others. Say a prayer, shrug it off and know it is not personal nor accurate!

  2. Oh my! You had a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad week! (like the childrens' book: Alexander & the terrible, horrible, no-good very bad day). So sorry to hear about all of the anxiety provoking ups and downs-especially the bully. There is no excuse for his behavior-he was just being awful. You handled yourself well and were polite and gracious-nicely done! You knew to get yourself to the golf course for some fun and outdoors-ness, knew to pull over when you needed to and knew enough to get into comfy clothes and retreat! You go girl!

    I am rushing to stitch several Christmas ornaments as the due date at many shops looms closer-June 1-yikes! Currently in FL and will be home in MO in mid-May.

    Sending prayers and virtual hugs to you!!

  3. I'm so sorry you were bullied like that! That a**h*** should have been thrown out of there the day it happened. Totally unacceptable. I'm so sick of men who insist their comfort is above all others. Try journaling about it and that might help get it out of your mind. Anybody who has been bullied know it can't just be forgotten. Stitch your heart out and try not to let your mind wander to the incident...you might have to frog something! :) (((hugs)))

  4. You had every right to complain about the bully, but they should have acted first so that you didn't have to. The staff in this case was wrong, they needed to deal with him preemptively. He really should be thrown out now.

    1. You are right. The bully should have never been aware of who was asking for the music to be turned off, just asked to turn it off or use a headset.

    2. You're on target about that. The staff should not have told him who was complaining. And they should have tossed him, either if he didn't comply or if he sounded off again.

  5. It always hurts when we’re misunderstood or have people accuse us of something that couldn’t be further off the mark. It not only hurts but it makes me mad and when I’m mad and hurt, I cry. Later, after I blow my nose and wipe my eyes, I find myself wondering whatever happened to that person to cause them to act that way. Then I pray for them, even if l’m not feeling very charitable. Then I can let it go. Keep on keeping on Coni!

  6. It always hurts when we’re misunderstood or have people accuse us of something that couldn’t be further off the mark. It not only hurts but it makes me mad and when I’m mad and hurt, I cry. Later, after I blow my nose and wipe my eyes, I find myself wondering whatever happened to that person to cause them to act that way. Then I pray for them, even if l’m not feeling very charitable. Then I can let it go. Keep on keeping on Coni!

  7. You should not feel bad. The bully obviously has a severe problem. He must be a very miserable person. You are much nicer than me. I would have give him a tongue lashing.

  8. Oh, my. You have had a month this week! I hope you’re able to relax over the weekend and get lots of stitchy time so you can recover. (I’m wondering when you had your second COVID vaccine. It’s known to cause swollen lymph nodes.)

  9. It looks like you had a week from hell to visit you. So sorry about that. I hate bullies, and he was being a class A jerk. I would've taken his music device and thrown it into that pond. He needs to be warned by the staff that if that happens again, he's outta there. I'm glad everything was okay with your CT results and the lab work on Tuesday will confirm everything a-ok. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Sending big hugs Coni. Hope you have a weekend filled with lots of self-care and me-time x

  11. Oh no, so many battles to contend with! Hope this weekend finds a more peaceful and relaxed time for you. xx

  12. What a week you had! I was feeling sorry for myself and peeved about that blasted shrub, but that's a mere triffle compared to your week. I hope there's no repeats for a good long while, and never again for dealing with that jerk in dialysis. Have a lovely stitchy weekend Coni (hugs)

  13. Sending you a huge hug and hopes for a calm, quiet, restful and regenerative weekend.

  14. Coni, I have no words for the week you have had. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy the quietness of this first weekend in May.

  15. You have earned a weekend to just take care of yourself. Fill your days with warm snuggly clothing, sunshine, and healthy meals. Throw in some rainbows, unicorns, and glitter as needed. You've got this, and we've got your back!

  16. Oh my gosh I’m so very sorry about your horrible week! I’m not happy about how the techs dealt with that inconsiderate jerk, they never should have mentioned you, instead they should have just told him the rules are patients can only listen to music through headphones/earbuds. I hope you have a nice, quiet, stitchy weekend and that next week is much better!

  17. Coni, I am so very sorry you have had such an awful week. Enjoy your weekend just being. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

  18. I agree with the general consensus - the techs SHOULD have gone directly to the jerk & said its protocol to listen to music through headphones only (citing lowering blood pressure during a critical medical procedure instead of RAISING blood pressure, etc, for the safety of ALL patients there today). You might suggest next time that they handle it that way and make them aware that you don't want to be in the vicinity of the same JERK again in the future.

  19. The staff should have immediately quieted the music without you having to ask. Then they should have told him to quiet himself immediately or leave the premises. The staff also should not have let him act out repeatedly. This is what I would say to them. Never again.

    Have a good rest and lose yourself in your stitching.

  20. I am SO sorry you had to go through that! Once he started the techs should have gone directly to the head of that dept so that he/she could tell him DIRECTLY that he will either stop the behavior or his service stops RIGHT NOW, as this is a medical facility with many in fragile health. If he continued, call the police with a complaint of a person out of control & the threat of violence. In the future that person will need to get his care ELSEWHERE. I feel so bad for you with everything else going on that an ass like that guy felt his was his right to terrorize others...it doesn't matter what his reasons are, he had no right to do that. When something like this has happened in the past once I got past the shock of their behavior I tried to think about what caused him/her to act that way toward me, and pray for that person. It made forgiving them a little bit easier and my heart MUCH lighter for doing it!

  21. I'm so SO sorry you've gone through all of this. I too am a thyroid survivor - 6cm tumor. And yes - everything else has the potential to become a bigger concern. Glad you are going back to your old pod.

    One does wonder what has brought the other patient to that place. My gut says the techs didn't confront him right away because he probably has a history of confrontational behavior. I figured they hadn't said who complained but guessed you were the obvious target because you were the closest. Such difficult circumstances and hard not to take personally. I rehash those things for days and nights...

    In regards to the Staycations - I do like when my husband travels for work. Kind of a nice break of not feeling obliged to cook well, do laundry in a timely fashion etc. In reality, I usually make a huge mess somewhere in the house for a purge/reorganize project, and clean out leftovers from the freezer - all the while streaming something I want to watch but know he wouldn't! LOL Win-win in lots of respects. You have a glorious down time!!!

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about your rough week. That man must have been hurting to yell at you, the most wonderful person in the whole world. I'm so glad they are moving you back to your other pod. Hope you have a better week this week. Hugs!
