Feb 6, 2021



See what I did there?

For the very first time in my stitchy life, I have mis-oriented the fabric and have started a piece going the wrong way. This design is longer horizontally than it is vertically, but alas, I didn't realize that I was turned until I pulled it off the q-snaps to move it over.

That goodness for industrial strength pharmaceuticals, kids. I had a momentary flash of despair before shrugging my shoulders and deciding how I will smoosh and scrunch the design to finish this one off.

We'll call it a companion piece, order another piece of linen, and maybe do it again next year.



  1. Oh Coni, I’m so sorry this happened. Sometimes we get so excited to start a new piece we make a mistake. I’m sure you can come up with a way to end this by connecting the little leaf and maybe a snowflake or two on the right hand side. It’s so beautiful please don’t discard it. I love the idea of a companion piece. I truly admire that you’re going to get new fabric and do it again next year. Anyway, I think you have a beautiful piece even though it is smaller than you anticipated. Eileen

  2. Oh Coni, I’m so sorry this happened. Sometimes we get so excited to start a new piece we make a mistake. I’m sure you can come up with a way to end this by connecting the little leaf and maybe a snowflake or two on the right hand side. It’s so beautiful please don’t discard it. I love the idea of a companion piece. I truly admire that you’re going to get new fabric and do it again next year. Anyway, I think you have a beautiful piece even though it is smaller than you anticipated. Eileen

  3. Oh Coni, I’m so sorry this happened. Sometimes we get so excited to start a new piece we make a mistake. I’m sure you can come up with a way to end this by connecting the little leaf and maybe a snowflake or two on the right hand side. It’s so beautiful please don’t discard it. I love the idea of a companion piece. I truly admire that you’re going to get new fabric and do it again next year. Anyway, I think you have a beautiful piece even though it is smaller than you anticipated. Eileen

  4. Oh, NO! Alas what you have done is beautiful. Maybe split the design into two portions, each one separately framed? You have to order more fabric any way. Just a thought for consideration. Don't let this dampen your excitement over the chair delivery.

  5. Oh gosh...I think we have all done this at one time in our stitchy lives. Thank goodness I did this very early on in my stitching so watch out for it each time. I absolutely love the idea of two portions. So smart. Stay warm!!

  6. Add another snowflake, a leaf or swirl to fill in and it will be good to go! I love it! (Had this happen before, as well) 🙁

  7. Hi Coni, I was a cross stitcher before hand trouble. Also a CAD designer. Just my street creds for a critical eye, LOL How about a companion piece of the flower done separately for now. Then later the entire piece, then you’d have a 3-piece intentional looking set. This cardinal, framed to the right, will be “looking” at the flower. The separate flower, framed on the left, will have that cardinal looking at it also. Framed separately or in a longer square/rectangle/square one-piece frame would give just enough symmetry to looked planned. You could also make a mirror image copy of the pattern to see if that would please you, but then you’d have flower/flower Left and cardinal/cardinal Right, and my brain would not be happy with that. Might look wonderful though. Just my thoughts on how to salvage a beautiful work!!

  8. You know how when things start going wrong, sometimes they keep on going wrong? I advise NOT starting new chair construction today!

  9. Oh, that is so darling!! Just add a bit more on the left as Mary said and it'll be perfect!!

  10. If you leave it as it, it's an adorable companion piece to the new horizontal full size.....am I making sense? I hope so... things happen for a reason....😊

  11. Its not an error; it’s a creative opportunity! Good ideas so far!
    Another couple - unpick the stitching, wash and iron the linen and start again. Linen is very forgiving. Or, end the vines that you’ve stitched with smaller curlicues, add leaves, snowflakes, etc as needed and divide the words top and bottom.

  12. I'm sorry about your mishap with your stitching...
    but it kind of made me feel better. I'm a quilter not a stitcher.
    I've been doing counted cross stitch for about a year. I've made every mistake there is to make. I'm self taught (not well). Thanks to COVID the only help available is YouTube : (

  13. Well shucks! I feel like that is something a stitcher must do in their stitching lifetime though so you can mark that one off the list :)

  14. Coni, your solution is a good one. Well done1
