Jan 2, 2021


My original thought was to come back to this here blog tomorrow....January 3. But that didn'tmake any sense at all, when you take into account the way my crazy brain works.

(For example...diets and exercise routines can only start on a Monday. New years require new starts on the first, etc.)

So here we are, together again, Dearies. I am in the d-chair on a Saturday again due to the holiday, and the view is truly breathtaking.

(The cleaning of the car, the scraping of the ice, and the driving in the mush, though? Not so much.)

But I am really enjoying those trees today and am grateful that I get to pass the time taking them all in today. I miss that view from the Happy Chair at Chez Spinster....those woods were always so gorgeous on days like this. 

My break from the iPad resulted in absolutely no organizing whatsoever, I'm sorry to say. Each day I would tell myself that I should organize or sort or tidy something, but I ended up snuggling deeper into the Happy Chair with another cup of damn good and I stitched my little heart out!

December was rather prolific for Yours Truly, and I stitched and finished and finished and stitched more than I have in years:

I have to say, the most pleasant surprise was how much I enjoyed stitching the Mill Hill kits! They were so fast and satisfying, and once I figured out the perfect set up for myself (a Bitzy Biggie and little quilt clips to hold the chart in front of my face), I just couldn't stop stitching them!

There are quite a few of these kits in my stash that I picked up over the years, but I could never quite get the hang of them. Now, though, Methinks these will be part of my stitchy baskets going forward.

Speaking of...I've assembled a basket for January/Winter that I'm really happy about:

It has a little bit of everything, and should keep me busy for quite a while. The needlepoint canvases are Cardinals in the Snow and a Holiday Cup...there are a few more Mill Hill kits in there, Plum Street's Hello Winter, and Lavender and Lace's Angel of Healing. I'll add or subtract as my mood allows...I want to fish out a few WiPs from the cube room studio, and maybe add some things for Valentine's Day...but for now it's good to go.

The Cardinal canvas gave me major fits yesterday.

I started the branch and thought I was following the stitch guide, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't make it look right. So I fretted and cursed and cursed and fretted, and put it into time out for a hour or so and came back to it.

But before I did, I went to Needleandthread.com and watched a video that showed how to do the stitch. Turns out, I was wrapping the vertical ladder threads the wrong way!

It's still not perfect, but for now I am leaving it alone. I think that it will start to look better to me once the other elements start to fill in.

Tonight I am going to pick up another Mill Hill kit for a little change of pace and because I will probably be wiped out from treatment and need something easy peasy.

On the kidney front, all is well. My weight has remained several pounds below goal, and will hopefully continue to go down. I'm eating "normally" but being super super careful about portions and treats. I've also been drinking iced lemon water like I used to, and I think this is helping me tremendously!

My appointment in Indianapolis was moved from January 5 to February 5 due to covid issues. This was just a weigh-in and check-in with the team, so not critical. I remain #3 on the list, which means the call is still imminent. It's not an orderly progression...in other words, when a kidney becomes available, there are several different things that need to be a perfect match: size, antibodies, shape, age, health, etc. They basically start at the top and find the person with the best match, and that might mean going down the list quite a bit before finding the best recipient.

(When I got the call in October, I was actually #5 on the list, but the kidney that came in wasn't good for numbers 1-4.)

Well, Dearies, I think I've babbled on long enough. I feel a bit like my sister (Aunt Chrissy) who used to wake my mom up in the middle of the night because she wasn't finished talking to her and remembered all of the things she wanted to tell her!

Happy New Year once again! My Jersey Boy and I are off to a good start and I managed to get my first kissy kiss at midnight. Fifty four years old, and it was my very first New Year's kiss (she says, blushing furiously). We are looking forward to another happy and healthy year together, and if all goes well will be on the road to more adventures!

So that's it...your Spinster is safe and happy and grateful and well and hoping that you are the same and that you'll come tell me all about it!


  1. Glad you are -back- and stitching like crazy - it inspires me to get going.

  2. Started my new year's project, like I really need another one. I love the piece. Walked a mile and finished some tidying. So feeling good so far in this new year. 2020 brought loss, sorrow and new challenges, some yet to be resolved. My needlework definitely is key to my sanity. Thank you for the inspiration.

  3. I really thought it would be horrible not being able to read about your antics each day, and I checked in every evening before bed. You are back in a big way tonight and I’m so happy! I love the icy d-chair view. Your stitch selection looks marvelous! Wishing you health and joy in 2021!

  4. What a beautiful photo to set the new year off. And then the stitchings which are lovely! I know you aren't so happy with the branches on the cardinals - but to me it looks like snow covered bark - it looks perfectly natural to me!
    Somethings are worth waiting for and sounds like you had the best New Year ever! Long may the good times roll! xx

  5. I think the branch looks incredible! I saved a screenshot of it from Instagram yesterday for my needlepoint inspiration file!

  6. Hi Coni. Love your tree branch and went to find the tutorial, but was unsuccessful. Would you be willing to provide the full link.

    1. Hi, Diane...I went to www.needlenthread.com and looked for the Raised Stem Stitch Band tutorial. I found that by searching for "raised stem stitch" on the Google.

  7. Your cardinal piece is looking super, Coni! Love the snowy/icy look of the trees that were your view in the chair on Saturday. Wishing you and your Jersey Boy a blessed New Year!

  8. I love the way the cardinal piece is looking--impressive. I hope you didn't lose power like I did--over 24 hours here on the South side of South Bend.

    1. Nope...we were very lucky! Several of my podmates and techs were missing in action, though, so I bet they were without power also!

  9. Quick question. I see the canvasses completed and they are very beautiful and you are very talented. Then what do you do with them? Do you frame them, stuff them, or just tick them back in a drawer? I love doing the handwork but don’t always know what to do next.

    1. I'm definitely a process stitcher, which means I enjoy the process over the creating finished projects. I have a huge underbed box that is currently the home of all of the stuff that I finish stitching. Hopefully, I'll start to fish a few out for framing or pillowing this year!

  10. Beautiful, beautiful work Coni. LOVE the Santas and their hats. And am loving the Cardinals...so beautiful....I found this canvas for sale online but will wait a bit before purchasing. Are you using floss for this project ? Have a good day! Better days ahead!

    1. Hi, Mary! I'm using threads that are called for in the stitch guide that I got from Randi Paul-Heskins. Her contact info is: randi@paulhesk.com

  11. Wonderful projects!! I'm working on a Janet Zickler Casey Santa right now too. So much fun!

  12. What a lovely D chair view and gorgeous December finishes.

  13. Coni, I don't care if the threads were upside-down and backwards, the branch looks perfect! Keep it the way it is and move on. :)

  14. I love Mill Hill kits and have done quite a few of them. I find that they can be a bit deceptive, however, and can take more time than you might expect.

  15. I am really looking forward to seeing more of your progress on the cardinals if that pretty snow is an indication of what is next! I know it gave you some trouble but wow! And I am so impressed with all the stitching you did in December. Way to go!
