Nov 23, 2020


No trip to Indy for me until January.

Stupid Covid.

(The numbers here in Hoosierville are just too high for it to make sense to travel at the moment.)

BUT! I have confirmation and double/triple/quadruple confirmation that I am ACTIVE and at the TOP of the list for a kidney as soon as one becomes available.

So today I will unpack, try to peel myself off the ceiling, relax a bit, go to dialysis tomorrow, and then have a nice simple no-fuss no-stress Thanksgiving with my Jersey Boy and get on with it.

I will still behave and pretend I'm a Victoria's Secret model food-wise, to be sure. Who knows? Maybe this will eventually become normal for me and I won't have to think about/obsess over every calorie anymore?

Happy Monday, Dearies!


  1. (((hugs)))

    There are 2 upsides.
    A. You can plan your Christmas and New Year celebrations at home.
    B. You won’t be thinking about someone’s loved one passing away over the holidays to give you a kidney.

    Here in Toronto, we had Thanksgiving about 6 weeks ago. We are recovering from snow all day yesterday, with more possible tomorrow and Thursday.

    ((( more hugs )))

  2. If you find that magic bullet for weight loss, please let us know. So far I have been unable to pretend to be anything other than a portly widow who has only left her home twice in the last 8 1/2 months. Thank a God for the Internet, stitching, on-line Mah Jongg games and Zoom!

    1. Linda, I am right there with you! I had only been out of the house 4 times since early March until recently when I have had to be out 3 more times. That will be it till next year. I agree about the Internet, needlepointing, and playing Mah Jongg online. What lifesavers they have been. Coni, congratulations on your weight!! I need to try envisioning myself as a Victoria’s Secret model every time I eat.

  3. Awww, Connie, I know it's disappointing but better safe than sorry. You've made this journey this far, so a bit more time is okay. Pat yourself on the back, you're doing good Sister!!!!

  4. Hang in there,be good ,watch yourself and BE SAFE.Wishing you only the best and a wonderful holiday.

  5. It is not worth travelling while you are vulnerable health-wise. Escape the virus and you will get your kidney and go to the ball, posh dress and glass (perspex to be safe) slippers and all. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mr JB and all who celebrate it. xxx

  6. So sorry to hear Coni! Covid is stupid and can go away any time now! But better safe than sorry.

  7. Coni, I am sorry your trip to INDY was canceled, but better to err on the safe and cautious side of things.

  8. Alas about the trip to Indy, but NON-alas about your being at the top of the list! A big reason for thanks-giving!

  9. I know you're disappointed about not going to Indy, but CONGRATULATIONS on being at the top of the list. It's been a long wait, and it's almost over! Yay!

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