Dec 19, 2019

Hello, Dearies!

Here we are on a December Thursday with a long to do list and no desire to do it. Where's that Tiny Decisions app for a day like this?

My shoulds are things like laundry and housecleaning and tidying and...all the usuals. My wants are damn good slurping and stitching and coloring (with my new Christmas markers) and Crown watching and reading and not much else.


What do YOU think will win out?


  1. How about a compromise? Toss in a load of laundry while you stitch and watch tv.

  2. Clean clothes and a tidy house are highly over-rated

  3. Unless the Pope is visiting today, I vote for stitching and coloring!

  4. I ditto Karen - something achieved and something enjoyed.

  5. How’s the book? Would you recommend it?

  6. I say laundry so you can stitch, read, and color while it is sploshing around in the machine!

  7. I know what would win out with me, and it isn't

  8. Cleaning and tidying NEVER win here at my house. Just so ya know......

  9. You won't go down in the history books for doing housework so stitch away!

  10. It depends. If the washer/dryer are actually in your apartment, I agree with the do laundry while stitching or colouring crowd. If you have to go outside or up/down stairs, stick with the slurping, stitching and sitting! But it's evening now, so I guess the decision has been made and implemented!

  11. I tend to do both - my reward for getting something done is half an hour of sewing while having a coffee. Housework makes you thirsty! Pace yourself - it might not be instantaneous total clean, I have a big house, and if it's sunny I'm outside doing chores with the birds and the veg plot (garden is now a wilderness while I work on everything else) it will get sorted so please don't worry over a bit of dust. Sometimes the dust is what holds the house together!!! ;)

  12. At my house, hydraulic pressure would win out. And once I was up, a cuppa, followed by stitching and enjoying. Laundry, and cleaning can wait.
