Feb 3, 2019


Rich is en route to Atlantic City for the week, so I am left to my own devices. Normally, I do the whole single adult thing pretty well, and I behave myself quite nicely.

Today, though, my grocery cart contained things that even I didn't know I need.

Like Hot Pockets.

And cheesy stuffed pretzel bites.

And vegetable egg rolls, Mountain Dew Ice, rice krispy treats, and some kind of little peanut butter ball thingies that say they were made by the Amish, but somehow came from Brooklyn.

I've got stuff to make sandwiches and enough pop to float a boat, and also managed to get TWO cans of wavy bar-b-que Pringles.


They're not even real food, and yet I just had to have them because they're wavy.

I think I got little hot dogs wrapped in bagels, too, but by the time I got everything home and put away I was horrified to look any closer.

In the midst of all of this was a bag of baby spinach and a jar of sun dried tomatoes, so I guess this means I will make my seafood pasta sometime soon.

I can honestly say it has been YEARS since I bought this kind of complete junk, but the fact of the matter is...I am really looking forward to it. If I can watch portions and not get too crazy, this little culinary break might be just what I need.

Tomorrow, if I'm good at dialysis, I'm going to hit the Panera drive through on the way home for some soup. I used to go to Panera quite a bit, but stopped going for some reason. Now, though, it is literally on my way home, so I might as well enjoy it every now and then.

No stitching to report, but I'm going to get to it right now. I hope your Sunday is wonderful and that you'll come tell me what's on your menu for the week!


  1. Coni, I think you got caught up in Superbowl mania. Those items all sound like Superbowl treats. I was at the grocery store this morning snd it was packed with the citizenry making purchases just like yours. Of course, I am in New England, but I bet the mania is in Indiana, too. Enjoy!

  2. Curious behaviour. 'Twill be interesting to see how things unfold during the coming week. Enjoy.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Evelyn spotted it...Superbowl mania...Baby spinach to restore
    your equilibrium. Hope you are not whoozy too long...

  4. Coni, enjoy your goodies and you can just blame it on all the Pre Super Bowl snack commercials. Have a peaceful day!

  5. I love Panera soup!!!
