Dec 6, 2018


There are hundreds of these on the Pinterest. I found the first last night at about 9pm and I don't think I've stopped giggling since.

I did a little stitching Tuesday night, but was too wiped out to do anything last night. Here's the latest progress:

In other news...I finally got an appointment with Buzzy's original surgeon. Not sure what's going on with him, but he is bruised, swollen, has a huge egg-sized bump, and he's not cooperating with treatment at all lately. Might be time for a Buzzy 2.0.  

Cold and snowy in these here parts so far this morning, Dearies. That means nothing but cozy stitching  for me today! 

How about you?


  1. Sunny and cold here; yesterday's dusting of the white stuff is gone. Heading off to gift wrap central. Those pictures made me chuckle; thanks for sharing, Coni!

  2. I've got the potato soup in the crockpot and it's sleeting outside :)

  3. Really Betty? Where did she think all the dialysis chair photos were taken? The local Hilton Hotel lobby? Speechless.

    Sorry Coni. Just couldn't help myself. I do hope Buzzy can be fixed. You can call the next one Bionic Buzzy!

  4. That looks like mighty fine progress on your stitching. I'm off to waste time on Pinterest looking at @barkpost.

    Sydney, Australia
