Jun 17, 2017


Back in the year 2000 I had to do massive doses of Prednisone for a terrible Crohn's flare up.  I'm talking massive...enough to cause a 200 pound weight gain over the space of four months.

(Oh wait.  Maybe it was the side of beef that I ate every night in my frenzy to get as much protein in me as I could.)

(Seriously.  All I wanted was protein...steak, ribs, chicken...if it was meat and it was grilled it was going in my gaping maw.  I scared the bejeesus out of my poor dad when he came for a visit and witnessed me eat a rack of ribs that looked like something from the Flintstones.  No side dishes.  No salad.  Just ribs.)

It was brutal.

Along with all of the other lovely side effects (like moon face and a fuller beard...like I needed THAT little addition!) came nightly leg cramps that were so awful and severe that I thought I would die.

Guess what has decided to return to Yours Truly just to make life more interesting?

I know that they are the result of too much physical activity and dehydration and possibly my calcium and magnesium and potassium levels being off, but...really?  I have tried and tried to be so very careful, and all I have to show for it is two bad nights and some very sore muscles.


No stitching for me today.  Truth is, I don't know if I will make it out if the Happy Chair at all.  If I can, I might hit the grocery for some Gatorade later, but for now I'm contemplating going back to bed and calling it another lasagna day.

I was so looking forward to stitching with Miss Jane and Co.  Hopefully, she will forgive my absence and allow me to try again next month.  Truth be told, I'm not sure if my poor hands could even hold a needle at this point.  They, too, are sore and swollen and feel like I'm wearing baseball mits.

OK, enough complaining.  Time for a second cup of damn good and then a little bootstrap tightening.  Ten minutes of feeling poorly is my maximum allowed allotment fot the day...back to glitter, sunshine, unicorns, and rainbows!

Movie night was a smashing success, but I watched Gone Girl twice instead of picking something I hadn't seen before.  I am going to try to make a concerted effort to watch new movies instead of the same old ones over and over again, but I suppose that a little familiarity is a good thing for me at the moment and I should stop shaking the tree.

Here's hoping that your weekend is off to a lovely start and that you are cramp and worry free.  Do something...blah blah blah...you know!


  1. Giving leg cramps a cute name like 'charley horse' doesn't help make them any better either. Sorry you're hurting, Coni, but your decision to rest today is a good one. And yes, dehydration can so do that also; we're in a major heatwave so I'll be pouring down the water also, even if I don't 'feel' thirsty. Let yourself rest. You've done more than enough for one week! Hugs, my friend. -p. in AZ (But it's a DRY heat... ;)

  2. I'm on pred now and can totally sympathize, beard, moon-face and unsatiable hunger 😕Had cramps all over this week. I find vitamin D helps, as well as making sure you stay hydrated!

  3. I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you get lots of rest today and tomorrow will be better.

  4. Aspercreme with litocaine (roll on to keep the smell gone) on legs and hands. 500 mg magnesium. Every night. Will make a big difference. Sometimes I have to use aspercreme when I put my feet up tot stitch too. Rest and lots of fluids. This too shall pass. Keeping you in my thoughts today.

  5. Drink up on the fluids and if you have some magnesium tablets, take those. I am sure Miss Jane and the others would want you to rest and take it easy today. Thinking of you!

  6. I know this might sound like crazy talk, but why don't you invite your stitchy friends to bring the party to you? Have them bring lawn chairs and their portable lights and really get the good vibes going at CS2.

  7. I hope you feel better soon. Drink water even if your not thirsty. Take care and take care of your very wonderful self.

  8. Electrolytes, electrolytes, electrolytes. This may sound strange if you have never heard of it before, but a teaspoon or two of mustard (yellow, honey, stone ground, whatever) can really help to relieve those awful leg cramps. My husband has significant issues, despite guzzling Propel, taking electrolyte tablets, even salt tablets, and mustard does help him. Banishes the pain almost immediately. Worth a try?
    Might I suggest treating yourself to movie in a theatre with those nice lounge chair seats to ease into, put up the foot rest and just enjoy....we hardly ever, ever go to a movie theatre (the last ones I saw in a theatre were Julie and Julia and The Time Traveler's Wife before the one last Friday) and take in the new Wonder Woman. I wasn't sure I would enjoy it, I mean Lynda Carter is Wonder Woman. It was a wonderful film. I took noise cancelling head phones, since the movies are way too loud or me (migraine inducing in fact), and we did not see it in 3-D. Cannot take that intensity. Air conditioning, lounge chairs, entertainment...
    Feel better, get rehydrated and treat yourself.....prayers continue.

  9. Potassium and Magnesium help to avoid leg cramps. Bananas are good to avoid said cramps in the future. Check it out. Double check with your doctor. But, you may want to up your vitamin and mineral doses to avoid those leg cramps. Gatorade is a good choice for you - so, yes, go get some. And, keep it in stock at home. Take care Ms. Connie - we are rooting for you.

  10. This is going to sound totally nuts, but what will stop Charlie horses within minutes is mustard! Think it's the turmeric in it, but it does work...just down a couple of spoonfuls and within a minute or two, the cramps will relax...works for me every time...give it a try!

  11. My husband is a diabetic and he gets them really bad also he scares the bejesus out of me in the middle of the night leaping out of bed to stand on his legs to get the cramps to stop. He doesn't seem to have them any more since the doctor has him on gabapentin much better drug than taking steriods. Gone Girl good choice I may watch that this afternoon while I start stitching on my new gransons stocking it is so cute and so is he! Chill the whole weekend - you got this girl. Good idea about inviting your stitchy friends over if not all at once - one or two at a time and before they leave before dessert or a sweet treat they have to unpack one or two boxes! It will probably take some getting use to going up the stairs also.

  12. This is the dearest community of Friends and helpers...
    great suggestions and encouragement...love the idea of a
    stitching bee at CS-2 with a little bit of unpacking to
    make room for more. Hope the remedies help the cramps
    (that mustard sounds promising. With an ample supply of
    Gatorade at the ready, hope you have a relaxing and recovering weekend...sprinkled with some happpy viewing.

  13. Instant gatorade(unsweetened) comes in large canisters that will make gallons very quickly - and much cheaper than the bottles. Stores beautifully. great for midnight drinks and cramps. Try in half strength several times a day. This is great for hydratiion. (retired paramedic - we always kept half strength gatorade for dehydrated patients at outdoor events.)Good luck - cramps are awful.

  14. Ah, the prednisonal hungries! I know them well. And for some nasty reason, the weight you pile on when you're on prednisone is a lot harder to get off than regular weight gain. It's all so terribly wrong. The Gatoraid tips are all good. If you're like me and can't stand the flavor, do it at half strength and just sip on it through the day. Another trick is to freeze grapes - lots of potassium and they are a treat in hot weather. When it's really hot, I like just plain frozen fruit better than ice cream; nice and cooling and full of those trace elements you're sweating out. Don't worry about watching new movies; you've quite enough on your plate. Whatever will help you relax is a winner.

  15. "blah blah blah... you know" I am so sorry to laugh, Coni,but this just got to me. I hope (and pray) that you will be feeling better sooner rather than later. We can be disappointed together. I missed my stitching appointment today too. :( Be well. ♥ Love, hugs & prayers, Cathryn

  16. Listen to your body, it might be telling you to slow it down a little. The nice thing about not being in school anymore is that if I don't like a book I can put it down and never read it. So if a particular movie is what you want to watch, go for it!

  17. Sending healing thoughts. Hope you are pain-free very very soon. Luv
    MaryO1230 😍

  18. I hope you are feeling better! And you know what, if you enjoy Gone Girl who cares if you watch it over and over. Better than watching a bunch of movies that are no good!

  19. Ok Coni, you're going to think I'm totally off my rocker but, this old wives tale really works. Put a bar of soap in your bed. Doesn't matter the brand and can be left in its package. I truly know this sounds crazy but neither my husband nor I have had a leg cramp since we started doing this! Give it a try it can't hurt and should help.

  20. My parents had leg cramps and they insist it has to be Irish Spring soap under the sheets. They swear by it, and it helped, but it has to be Irish Spring. If you are looking for a movie, I could recommend "The Dressmaker" with Kate Winslet. Good revenge movie.

  21. I keep a bar of Ivory Soap under the bottom sheet at the foot of my bed.....it works!!
