Jan 6, 2017


Who knew being a normal human person could be so completely exhausting?

I got up at a reasonable hour (in my case 10:30), took a shower, read the paper, and got myself ready for the day.  It took me an hour and a half, but I found a suitable bra, some jeans that almost fit (OK, they are way too big, but when dies THAT ever happen, I ask you?), a new pair of boots, and a scarf.

I curled my hair, sprayed my Snookie bangs to within an inch of their lives, slapped on some foundation and mascara, and then because I really was feeling fat and sassy...some shiny red lipstick!

The Dressing Downton exhibit was lovely, and I really took my time and enjoyed it.  The highlight, though, was seeing a beautifully decorated Christmas tree with stitched ornaments by my EGA guild!

Now, after all of the effort it took to actually get me out of the house (and DOWNTOWN into the booming metropolis of South Bend!) I got real jiggy with it and went to the bank, the Targets, and the grocery.

Three hours later, I am home and back in the sweats and Happy Chair and I'm pooped!  I don't know if it was the cold or the driving or the trying to appear semi-normal that did it, but I. Am. Tired.

The good news is that I am well stocked for the weekend and don't have to go anywhere at all.  I'm going to concentrate on some laundry and housecleaning and stitching, and that's about it.

Happy Friday!  Hope you're on your way to a fabulous weekend!


  1. Sounds like a great day. The snow started falling here in NC a few hours ago, so I came home early (advantage of being self employed). Got stuck into everything that had to be done and I'm ready for what sounds to me like Snowmageden here in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. This is my 3rd winter here and snow is still a novelty, as it doesn't snow in Perth, Australia. A weekend of stitching, quilting and knitting is ahead!

  2. The exhibit and stitched ornaments sounds lovely. I think the tiredness is from hauling everything inside. At least that's how it works for me! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Good for you getting out and about! I love reading your blog!

  4. Your outing sounded fabulous, Coni. Glad you enjoyed the exhibit and saw your guild's tree! Stay hunkered in this weekend and enjoy yourself with your stitching, the TeeVee and more stitching!

  5. Glad you went to see the exhibit.Have a good stitchy weekend.

  6. It sounds like a wonderful day, Coni, and you deserved it. Hope your weekend is a restful and satisfying one. :) Hugs & Prayers, Cathryn

  7. Lots of snow here in the east Tennessee mountains. It will be a cozy day in with my applique(hand) blocks. Sooooooooo looking forward to my cozy chair.

  8. Good for you, Coni! I'm so glad you did it, and even enjoyed yourself...now for a well earned cozy weekend in...enjoy and stay warm ❤

  9. Good for you Connie. Truth be told, I'd be exhausted after all that. Glad you are all set for the weekend. Have a relaxing time, recover and enjoy your stitching time.

  10. Good for you. I'm at the point where going out is too much effort and fuss, and that's not good. I love red lipstick but have no lips to put it on.

  11. It is no wonder you are tired with all you accomplished..
    The exhibit alone would have been enough.. Brava to you.
    Jeans too big for you and bright red lipstick will enhance self image every time. With all that done, you can now sit back and enjoy your projects and other relaxing activities. Have a good one, dear Coni.

  12. Well now, you certainly did up the town didn't you?! Now you can just relax and stitch.

  13. Glad you had a great time. And yay to jeans that are too big!! I wish that problem came my way. :)

  14. I am glad you had a good day. I get exhausted too going out. Snuggle in and enjoy your Sunday!

  15. I bet the exhibit was spectacular. Coni, do you have Netflix? And if so have you seen The Crown? It is beautiful, so well done. I think you would enjoy it.
