Methinks it's time for it to go back into the basket and for me to futz about looking for a new piece to play with. Maybe I'll look in one of my notebooks and pull out an old WIP? Maybe I'll start a new cross stitch piece? Maybe I'll finally start to stitch all of the LHN Christmas ornaments that keep coming in the mail and piling up in a big pile that makes me sad that I can't seem to finish anything and I just know that when Christmas rolls around I'm going to spend at least a week and a half bitching that I didn't stitch any Christmas ornaments but then again when have I ever stitched Christmas ornaments anyway and why do I insist on putting so much pressure on myself when it comes to stitching but I can't seem to be bothered to stress out at all over the garbage that I shove in my big fat face.....
(pant pant pant pant)
That's the way my brain is working today. Once again I am the 300-pound hummingbird flitting from place to place without one single idea about how to get something done.
Oh well. Makes for pretty interesting stream of consciousness, if I do say so myself.
Thank God Stewey can't hear it, though, or I'd be on my way to the assisted living facility so fast it would make my head spin. Woo Hoo!
Methinks you are sometimes too hard on yourself! Love looks lovely to me. As my teenagers' friends would say... 'don't be hatin'
ReplyDeleteI think it looks fabulous!!! And yes you should take a break and finish an LHN ornie just for the sake that they are fast, easy and give you a sense of accomplishment quickly.
Have you tried using a tent stitch in the reverse direction on the left hand side of the V? Then, it seems like you would get a smooth line for that side.
ReplyDeleteI vote for an ornament but love is looking good. The holiday finishing deadlines are just around the corner. Plus, the new JCS ornament magazine will be out shortly.
ReplyDeleteI should not throw stones in glass houses... I have only done 1 and a half ornaments this year. I need to get four done in time for finishing.
Sent you an important email need to take care of something. Kisses to Stewey....
ReplyDeleteWell, at least you are not bored! :)
ReplyDeleteI think that your piece looks wonderful, but I understand how it feels if YOU don't feel it's right. Maybe take a break and work on one of those ornaments.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about the xmas orns hun; every year I swear I'm going to "start early", but never do. LOL
ReplyDeleteJust think of all the calories you are burning with all that 'futzing'. Maybe you should start on something cool and crisp in appearance so you won't think about the horrid heat and humidity. I pulled out a fall leaf canvas that I've been working on in hopes that the nippy cold evenings will return quickly!
ReplyDeleteTry long vertical stitches for the left side of the V?
The problem is it slants the other way. Ignore that and do vertical.
Jane, problem solver (but just in NP -- I don't solve the meaning of the universe things) LOL
YOu could always hang the pictures of the ornaments (patterns) on the tree - maybe if you put them in a little, no one will tell LOL! I have so many ornaments and things stitched, but not finished/finished. The pressure we put on ourselves... Love the "love" project - I don't do much needlework so I suck at deciding which stitch goes where...I like x's and speciality stitches on linen (following the pattern - for the most part. Have a great holiday weekend!
ReplyDeleteThe hearts looks great from this view, Miss Coni! And, of course you haven't had time to stitch Christmas ornaments, you have been very busy keeping up with the Tudors for goodness sake.
ReplyDeleteOh, thanks for that 300 pound humminbird vizualization that will never leave my brain... Bird poop from such a hummingbird would demolish tall buildings in a single splat.
I love the LOVE canvas but, then, that's my last name and I love all things love! OK - enough of love (for now). I think all stitchers must suffer the dilemma of what to stitch next. I find myself, as I am nearing the end of one project, thinking about what to stitch next. So many projects - so little time.
ReplyDeleteConi, would you consider identifying each of your wonderful finishes in your gallery? For example, whose design is that gorgeous Strawberry Shortcake? And that lovely pale green geometric? Thanks for any hints! Ellen in VA
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone! I think your piece looks great. Stop being so hard on yourself.
ReplyDeleteThe Love piece looks fantastic! You have done a wonderful job Coni, please try not to be so hard on yourself!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to watching your next piece progress, whichever one it is. As for you not getting anything done, take a look at your "finishes for 2010" slideshow, you have gotten a bunch of projects done! Compared to me you are a very fast stitcher as I only have 2 finishes this year and both are small easy designs. You do a lot of stitching and it is all just beautiful!