Dec 22, 2009


Time spent to clean the house: seven hours, thirteen minutes
Number of Tylenol it will take to kill the pain: eleven
Not having to listen to a nine-pound Jack Russell Terrier bitch and moan and complain: PRICELESS


  1. Girl, Sit down and stitch - right now. As far as I'm concerned, you don't have to do another thing between now and putting the ZhuZhu in the stocking. Stewie - chill, man.
    I love your blog.
    Loretta (proud grandma of a rat/jack russell mix).

  2. You are too funny and have earned a well deserved break!! Put some heavy mitten on those paws and the stomping will not be as loud.

  3. Have you seen this? A friend sent it too me. It stars a Jack Russell, so don't let Stewey see it or it might go to his head.

  4. Yea, relax and stitch! That's my plan for the evening once I can peel myself away from the computer! I love your ornament tree on the dining room table. Where did you find it? Happy Christmas!

  5. Thirteen minuets. All that dancin' will account for the Tylenol alone. ;)

  6. Dear Coni,
    I hope that Santa is kind to you (maybe a few gift certificates to buy stitchey stuff) and that you have a lovely Christmas. I love your blog and appreciate that you take time to write it as it brings a bit of cheer to the day of many stitchers around the world.

  7. I hate housework. If I were wealthy beyond all means I would get both of us a maid, with that said I guess we will both be doing our own cleaning for a long time.

  8. Place looks Great !!! I have to do what you did today, Tomorrow. Pray that I will be found if lost in all my mess.. lol

  9. Your house looks so great! I love how your bed is not straight along a wall. Very creative. And Stewie must be so happy!!!

  10. Looks great! Hopefully Stewey will get his ZhuZhu pet, otherwise he might go on a rampage and tear apart the house!

  11. There is nothing quite like a night of stitching with no guilt because everything is done! You are officially ready for the season.

  12. Well, since you've gone and cleaned up, I can't possibly leave my house in its present state (chaos? confusion? Christmas!), so after I stir up the cookies and cut up the fudge, I reckon I'll be cleaning. DAMN!

  13. Sorry, cute as you are I don't think you should get a ZsuZsu! First of all, haven't you heard they may contain poisonous chemicals???? And second of all, you have not been too nice to your Mo-ther this year with all your complaining about her and peeing on the curtains, etc. It's a good thing you're not my dog so be more appreciative of your Mo-ther in the coming year :)
