Jun 8, 2008


I would love to share some stitchy pics, but we are having what can only be described as "Auntie Em" weather at the moment -- high winds, heavy rain, tornado sirens blaring away. Yikes! I suppose I had better head for the closet and grab the pups rather than blog, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Chrissy dropped Bosco off for babysitting today while she attends the Parade of Homes in Elkhart. Her company has one of the homes that's featured, so she gets to play tour guide and show folks all of the ins and outs. I get to cuddle with my furry nephew and try to convince him that the roof isn't going to fall in from the storm. Stewey is normally the one with more delicate sensibilities and Bosco is our little Joe Pesci, so I am somewhat surprised that he is as skittish as he is today.

Today is "free" stitching for me. Last October, I started a rather half-baked attempt at a rotation, and I am trying to adhere to the rules. I pulled every single WIP that I have and wrote the title on a little card. Each Monday night I have a "drawing" whereby I select the project that I will work on that week. If I get the project done I draw a new card. If I don't get the project done, I put it back in the pile for the next week. Weekends are "free" and I can stitch anything I want, including new stuff. Since I don't do any type of "obligation" stitching or "gift" stitching, this system seems to help me work through some stash and finish some nice projects in the process. Of course, all of this completely flies out the window about every ten minutes when I decide that I want to do something completely different. So much for being disciplined. Sigh.


  1. I hope the roof stays on! (If it is a hobby, why should we have any sense of discipline when we do it. Just askin')

  2. Hi ya! I'm Donna from GA, Vonna told us to take a peek, and here I am. I love your stitching room! What a awesome place, I'd never want to leave it! I do want to see pics of Stewey!
    Donna(aka DaisyGirl)

  3. CJ Welcome to the world of blogging and congratulations, your site is wonderful!! Your pics of the room do not do it justice friends, it's SUPERB!!! Love Ya, talk to you soon, with pics from the wedding!!

  4. I just popped in from Vonna's blog. I love your craft room! It is my goal to have something half as nice when I finally get settled in at the house I've just moved into.

    I hope your weather has improved and that you suffered no damage! I look forward to reading more about your stitching adventures and about your life with Stewey.

  5. OH, my 'lists' of WIPs, etc., was a waste of time. I should have spent the time stitching instead.

    I do have a list of NAY - Not another year - and have made some headway. You know, those really fun projects at the bottom of the closet??? LOL

    Those storms were doozies. We went without incident & had POWER ON -- thankfully

  6. I love your paragraph about drawing cards on which project to work on. Sounds like one of my crazy plans!

    I have been known to do a 20 minute rotation on weekends, where every 20 minutes a timer goes off and I roll a giant 20 sided die to decide which "chore" I will do next. The chores include Stitching, Reading, Crocheting as well as scrubbing toilets and washing windows. If I know I only have to do it for 20 minutes I'm much more likely to actually get off my fanny!
