Mar 19, 2025


Dearies, this is, quite possibly, the dumbest day I've had since Stewey convinced me to try landscaping around the back patio and I dug a four-foot deep moat that my sister swore was going to end up being where she dumped my body when the time came.

I am a) not feeling well and b) a hot crock pot full of stress while waiting for test and lab results, so I decided that today would be a good day to deep clean the bathroom to within an inch of its life.

What. A. Stupid. Idea.

Part of me not feeling well is that I don't have any strength or stamina. By that, I mean that standing, walking, moving, etc is exhausting, and it seems that the amount of energy it takes to shower is about all I've got for a day.

But did I listen to my inner voice that said "Dumbass. Cleaning that bathroom is going to kill you. Take your shower. Get another cup of damn good, and get in the chair with your blanket and stitching and behave yourself."?


Here's how the last several hours of my day have gone: Clean. Pant. Sweat. Sit. Breathe hard. Curse. Clean. Pant. Sweat. Sit. Breathe hard. Curse. Cry. Clean. Pant. Sweat. Sit. Breathe hard. Curse. Cry. Slurp cold brew. Clean. Pant. Sweat. Fall down. Cry. Crawl. Curse. Apologize to the BG. Pray. Clean. Sweat. Almost black out from chemical fumes. Give up. Guzzle water. Shower sitting down.

So now that that's all over and out of my system, I'm going to eat my salad and go to bed.

Tomorrow....the kitchen!


  1. I feel you need to push yourself as a way to prove you are all right. Please take care of yourself. I think you said before that you have someone who cleans your apartment. Let them deep clean. Just think of it as that you are employing someone who may need the money and cleaning is their way to earn it.
    Please take care of yourself. Prayers and hugs.

  2. After all that panting, sweating and misery, culminating in a
    semi-problematic recovery, you are going to attack the kitchen tomorrow????? What corner of mea-culpa is this coming from?
    You are waiting for test results.....until you know the answers,
    you are "excused" from challenging yourself to get to the finish
    line ahead of time. Don't compound.. just accept the wait with
    patience and rest (and trust) You can probably already eat off of that clean kitchen floor. What is more important is that you
    are rested and ready to address the answers when they come.
    So listen to this Mother and wrap yourself in our communal
    love blanket and take a sip of damn good hope. Luv you.

    1. I second the above!!! Take care of yourself! Hugs!

  3. need a time out! The kitchen will wait for you! Pls listen to your inner voice!HUGS!😘

  4. Here are my pearls of wisdom for Thursday -- slurp coffee, stitch, diamond paint, guzzle water, and repeat. The kitchen will still be there. Be kind to yourself!

  5. Put off the kitchen cleaning because the kitchen will wait for you! Maybe the elves will do it for you if you give them enough time. Take an at home vacation from the cleaning. Please do this for all of you, your cheerleaders from afar! If you simply must do some cleaning, just rinse out the kitchen sink. Then tell yourself how brave and good you are. Stop and read a wonderful book. Watch a thrilling basketball game. The NCAA tournament is only here for a short time. That dang kitchen will always be there,

  6. Good for you. Maybe only clean one thing in the kitchen if it takes a week who cares : )
