Mar 20, 2025


OK, you actually ARE the boss of me.

Today, I am lounging in my pajamas under the blanket, with stitching, damn good, my book, and diamond painting near and Robert DeNiro on the TV for company.

I have a clean sink and a nicely loaded dishwasher, the trash has been duly collected and placed in the can to put outside tonight, and I have prepped my veggies for my salad tonight and put them in their little fancy storage containers that I bought in a frenzy three years ago and then immediately regretted the purchase, but that's as far as I got.

The floor and countertops and Kitchen Cart 'O Crap That Needs Purging and everything else that needs doing will just have to wait for another day, because my better angels (looking at you, kids) told me to stop my nonsense already and

Thank you for your excellent advice and care and concern and for the proverbial whack upside my head to get me re-pointed in the right direction! It's very helpful, when you are a Spinster of a very tiny little brain, to have fully-adult supervision to rely on!

What are you up to today? We're cold and blustery here, with more of the same predicted for the next ten days, so I guess we'll just have to hope for a warmer April! 

That's the report. Do come tell me all about your corner of the world today, and if you're in the path of these terrible storms or have been affected by them, you have my fervent thoughts and prayers that you are safe and well.


  1. Relaxing after Mexican take out. Four days off. Weather in SoCal pleasant (we had blustery about a week ago). The 🐸 visited me last night. I'm considering doing a little straightforward knitting instead for a day or two.🤷‍♀️ Glad you are taking it easy...xoxo m

  2. It sounded like a good Thursday for you, Coni. We are under a wind and fire advisory until noon today. I have a stitching bag to "reload" as I have stitch group tomorrow. Otherwise, a bit of this and a bit of that is happening here.

  3. I appreciate your blog. entertaining. why is it neseccesary for everything you buy to be put into another container? Just bring home the food. clean, riinse take out portion and put away the rest. too much work you are doing for what goal?

    1. If you go on the Pinterest and search for "organized fridge" you will understand the deepest nook of my twisted little brain. 😬
