Aug 19, 2024


I guess I'm more dense than even I am willing to admit, Dearies. This is the image that I posted that caused all of the consternation of several Betties that scolded me via email.

Can somebody explain it to me?


  1. I have no idea! No offense here ;-)

  2. I have no idea either! Definitely not offended!

  3. That's the sort of day I had yesterday! Nothing offensive - I needed that sort of day. (Elaine in Oz)

  4. I can't see anything off about the picture either, but I have saved it, just in case you take it down again and someone tells you what is so wrong about it.

  5. I’m not sure what the problem is either. Looks okay to me. Don’t worry about the Betty’s. They just want to rant.

  6. I don't know. Comparing women to lazy cows????

  7. I don’t see anything offensive, but there are a couple things I can’t figure out. What’s in the bucket on the lower right that kinda looks like two pigs in a blanket in a vat of baked beans? (I’m pretty sure that’s not what it is, but now my brain is stuck there. 🤷‍♀️). And what is the item on the chair to the left of her head - kind of like a pair of scissors??? 🤔🤔🤔

  8. Hey Coni, unrelated to your post, but did you know Rittenhouse Needlepoint now has cross stitch designs? Something for you to browse when you have time. Enjoy!

  9. Cute picture as far as I am concerned. Not sure what the problem is.

  10. I repeat for the 2nd-3rd time - at first look it's a cute picture. Then...looking closer...what?!??? from left to right...
    - lamp standing in the pot
    - leaf standing up on the can
    - what's up with the hoof?
    - weird scissors floating/hanging on back of chair
    - eye reflections odd
    - is that 1 or 2 slippers, where's the rest of the slipper in back?
    - top bird...missing its head?
    - drink floating in air
    - middle bird missing tail feathers
    - bottom bird missing tail
    - what *are* those things wrapped in towels(?) in the basket?
    - looks like giant coffee beans on the floor, but basket looks like ??(not coffee beans)
    the women to lazy cow comparison never entered my mind.

    IMHO, in general AI generated art is bad. It might be OK at first glance but details are often crap, and all too frequently are tweaked pictures of art made by real human artists. Michaels has pulled some AI generated pictures from sale due to copyright infringement - the items had the artists information included. AI sucks in what humans have created, whatever it can find on the internet, and vomits out crap, whether art or writing.

    Again, no shade at you for posting that photo the other day!!!

  11. I agree with you Susan, cute picture. No idea what is wrong either.

  12. Glad you reposted it because I couldn't figure out why it was deemed inappropriate! I still don't. It gave me a chuckle then and it gave me a chuckle again now.

  13. ...and what is supposed to be wrong with it? It is the tidiest cow I have seen in a long time (and I see a lot of cows!) Heck, she even looks happy to be awake!

  14. I had no clue what you'd been referring to. Hadn't seen it. I don't find it offensive. I do get what Gail was saying about AI art often involving theft of actual pieces by the very nature of how it's generated. Hoy cow (pun intended) I wouldn't have complained at the content.!!

  15. It's quirky for sure, I think it's fun and glad you put it back! Don't see anything questionable at all.

  16. It looks like one of those pictures in a puzzle/games book — “find x number of things wrong with this picture”

  17. Pretty cute cow. Kinda looks like me!!!

  18. It's a lovely cow - some people just like to complain 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sally
