Aug 1, 2024


It's that time again, Dearies! Tomorrow morning, JB will drive me to Ancilla College's Lindenwood Retreat Center for the annual Donaldson Retreat.

My stitchy bags are packed, of course. Raise your hand if you always pack your stitchy bags first, your food/beverage bags second, and your clothes third. 

I have a rolling bag full of my stitchy gear and a huge tote bag full of stitchy projects. It took me the entire morning to futz around with them, but I think I finally settled on a nice selection of cross stitch and counted canvas pieces to keep me occupied. I also included a SueSpargo kit, since I decided to try to learn something new this time, and wool felt appliqué seemed just about perfect.

My food and beverage bag is simple. Cold brew and creamer, bananas and PopTarts (since I usually miss breakfast), the air fryer (for a little pot-luck lunch that four of us do tomorrow), dessert for the pot-luck, and my contribution to the snack table. 

Guess what I'm taking?

Normally, I try to find the most decadent, wonderful, salty, sweet, fattening, crazy-good thing I can find, and then I spend four days trying to stay away from it and all of the other incredible goodies the ladies provide.

This year...a new leaf for me. 


I have two big bags of lovely apples from the Costco that I'm going to offer as an alternative snack option, and if I manage to eat them instead of the other things laid before me, we're going to celebrate the win with a little dance.

One last dinner to prepare tonight, and then it's off to bed early so I can be fresh as a daisy for the shenanagins to come!

Happy Thursday! 


  1. Raising my hand to the required packing order! Have fun.

  2. Have a wonderful time, Coni! I look forward to hearing all about it when you return.

  3. Have loads of fun and wonderful hours with stitching friends! Susan in NC

  4. Have a great time. I'm jealous!!

  5. I've never been to a retreat, so I don't know what my packing order would be. But I do know a few bloggers that are quilters or rug hookers pack their projects first, clothing last.

    I'm glad you are feeling well enough to attend, hope you have a fantastic time!

    1. by "know a few bloggers", I mean by reading their blogs, not in person.

  6. How does one get invited to this retreat? Part of Ega? ANG? Know someone? Always at the same time each year? THanks.
