Jun 19, 2024






New meds, no exercise, and some splurges (OK, a lot of splurges), have lead me right back to the scale and treadmill. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get my head out of my ample heiney and get back to paying better, careful attention to what goes in my pie hole. BellyBean is happy and healthy and labs are the best they've ever been, but I need to knock this foolishness off and do better. Period.

(In case you're keeping track, this is the 1,342nd time I've made this announcement on this here blog.)



  1. I’m right there with you! I do good for a bit and lose some weight, then get bored with the food and crave comfort food and next thing I know the scale is creeping up again. It’s a viscous cycle!

  2. Hey, you've done very well. We all slip sometimes but the fact that you are paying attention and getting back on track is a good thing. Don't be down on yourself. I have followed your belly bean journey and I have to say I've been amazed and impressed with your determination. Keep on keeping on. You'll be fine! Hugs.

  3. OMG, loved the instructions for baking a lasagna thing. I am in Saint Louis and we have upper 90's, but it has been day after dreary day of this stuff and the end is not in sight. Normally we leave this kind of a run to Phoenix

  4. When you fall down, you get back up again and make progress.... it takes courage, discipline and the ability to strive, never taking your sight off the goal....honor that goal and you will bounce back (pardon the pun) you are already doing it and congratulations on
    the great bean report...

  5. Glad the belly bean and numbers are good, Coni! Let's do this thing together. I know I need to get back to it and I am sure others are thinking/saying the same thing. You can do it!

  6. I really think that you are too hard on yourself when you gain a few pounds. Instead of being angry with yourself, say 'Whoops! I better get back on that path'.
    Of COURSE we're going to gain a few, then lose a few, we're only human :-D

  7. Ignore this Betty. I am sure you will get things back on track, it is hard to please everyone, just do it for yourself.

  8. I'm where you are, Sister, but where I live, it's winter! I try to tell myself that I don't actually need steaming-hot, carbohydrate-rich platesful of yummy, washed down with hot chocolate, but I'm not listening! Good luck, and don't be in a hurry.
