Jun 15, 2024



I used to listen to the BBC overnight on our local NPR station, but the world's news was not making a good night's sleep quite possible. I mentioned this to my JB, and he suggested that I listen to a podcast instead.

Podcast, you say?

What is this thing you call podcast?

So I went onto the amazons, and I discovered this thing called Amazon Music, and lo and behold...podcasts.

I entered "books and reading" into the search bar, and before I knew what hit me, I was off on a wonderful adventure with new bookish friends. One podcast in particular is called Novel Pairings, and they examine a classic novel in depth each Fall and Summer. 

I've not read a lot of Edith Wharton, but I am so excited to lose myself in this one for a bit!

What are you losing yourselves in this weekend, Dearies? Come tell me all about it!


  1. Don't know much about podcasts but I have read that particular Edith Wharton novel. Enjoy!👍☕

  2. Podcasts ! I love them. There are quite a few that talk about all things stitching. I use “Downcast” as my podcast aggregator and have many subscriptions. They download automatically to my iPhone. Check out “Fiber Talk” by Gary Parr from St Louis. He is a stitcher and has been podcasting a long time. He also does some YouTube videos. —marlene

  3. Ahhh - Age of Innocence - Enjoy Edith Wharton.

  4. I love Edith Wharton! I have read, and have on my bookshelves almost all of her novels. Interestingly enough, while watching Jeopardy the other night, one of the clues was about Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. That was my favorite book in high school, but I’ve really forgotten much about it. I decided to order it on “the amazons” and read it again!

  5. Can you believe I haven't read Edith Wharton? Hmm...maybe I need to remedy that! What is the difference between a podcast and a floss tube? I spent the day yesterday with a great group of gals at Notforgotten Farm stitching and chatting.

  6. I listen to murder podcasts, actually. Because I like humor, it's My Favorite Murder, & Last Podcast on the Left. Both are NSFW
