Jun 3, 2024


For those of you who have known me since stitchy birth (circa 2008 when I started this here stitchy blog), you might remember a crazypants 300-pound hummingbird that would frantically flit from thing to thing to thing, and who just couldn't get out of her own way when it came to this thing of ours.

When I think about the amount of time, money, and stress that I wasted on trying to find the next best thing to bring me some level of stitchy peace, I am gobsmacked.

From bags and totes and drawers and floss cabinets and scrapbooking tools and chairs and hoops and scissors and q-snaps and ... stuff even I can't remember that I bought, looked for, or tried to create on Craft Night Gone Awry, it's amazing to me that I ever managed to put thread to needle.

My stitching life these days is as close to blissful as I ever could have imagined. I seem to have fallen into a nice quiet rhythm that has me enjoying every single stitch rather than fussing about looking for the next best thing.

It only took 16 years, but I think I finally cracked the code of what it takes for me to calm down and stitch...a list of stuff that helps me focus on the doing rather than the organizing. Some things were there all along, and others arrived when they were developed and sold by makers in our community, but finally figuring this crap out is just priceless.

So, in the interest of continuing to share every waking thought with my Dearies...here's what's blowing my skirt up in my stitchy life:

Project bags that come with matching smaller bags for threads.
Q-snap covers that match the project bags and smaller bags.
Chart, fabric, threads...duh.
A copy of the chart to serve as a working copy.
Scissors with polka dotted covers to match the project bag, smaller bag, and q-snap cover...duh.
A retractable highlighter to mark finished sections of a working chart.
Bling...needleminders, thread ring charms, scissor fobs, zipper pulls (from my sister's shop).
A Bitzy of some sort...(shown above) to hold working threads (from that's so kelly co).
11X11 q-snaps when cross stitching or stretcher bars when working on canvas.
My little plastic jar for orts...labeled monthly.

So that's it. The Official Spinster Stitcher List Of Crap That Helps Her Feel Like A Stitcher Instead Of A Person Who Just Used To Buy A Bunch Of Stitchy Crap.

How about you, Dearies? What's giving you stitchy peace?


  1. I am so much happier and fulfilled now that I only stitch 1-2 projects at a time and actually finish them. I always swear that I won't buy another chart but I always do. But I won't buy fabric and threads until I am sure I'm going to stitch.
    I also am keeping a binder with monthly plans and a sheet for each piece which charts my progress.
    Lastly, I bought a ladder which holds.works.in progress and finished projects that have not been framed.yet.

  2. Oh yes - I'm guilty of buying too many craft supplies... adequately organized. But I do manage to be fairly productive considering how many hours I work. Now housework avoidance is at a professional level. LOL

  3. I agree - I think it used to be about the shopping and now it's about the doing.
    had a custom lanyard made (Etsy) with five clips. I put my scissors, threader, needle case, tweezers and a small ZipLoc bag for orts on the clips. All my basic tools in one place. I can hang the lanyard on my frame if I'm working from home, or around my neck if I'm traveling. Everything is at my fingertips and nothing is forgotten or falls between the seats.
    I love the look of your Bitzy, but have found baggies work best for me - on a ring in color order. I keep each WIP on a smaller ring and use large locking cable wires (like those used to secure manuals on planes and boats) for my thread stash, one for each manufacturer.

  4. What a fun and delightful post to read this morning, dear Coni! I am glad you are in a blissful stitching zone. I look forward to seeing what you are working on.

  5. I had to change my stitching spot in the living room a couple of years ago due to new cats in the family and a winter of having to use our old baseboard heaters. Discovered I need a lot less than I thought!

  6. I love your list of things. So much to make us happy. I seem to like project bags (season of the fabric must match the project inside) and scissors - off all kinds. I like small things, so I think that is why embroidery scissors enchant me.
