Jan 27, 2024


I'm happy to report that my patient is doing remarkably well, Dearies! I am a bit worse for wear from the stress of it, but nothing a good night's sleep and a hot shower won't fix!

His surgery started at 7:30 am, I met with the surgeon at 9:15 to get the report that everything went beautifully, and then it was a few hours in recovery before I was able to bring him home, get him up the stairs (with the help of a couple of angels), and deposit him into his chair.

Many of you have commented that this whole adventure seems nuts, and I confess that I kept waiting for Candid Camera to jump out and tell me I had been silly to believe that a total hip replacement would be an outpatient procedure with no need for extensive physical therapy.....but nope....this is a new-ish procedure that is a "tissue-sparing direct anterior approach". There are no restrictions other than to not overdo it for a few weeks, and Rich assures me that the pain and discomfort is quite minimal.

He will use a walker until we see the doc again on February 20th, and I will continue to watch him like a hawk to make sure he's behaving, and definitely take this opportunity to get us back to eating healthy and moving whenever possible.

(I will confess, though, that a night in the hospital might have been easier for me, since I was not at all prepared for how emotionally and physically hard it was going to be to be in complete charge of a 6'2" guy on sedatives.)


Thank you for all of your thought, prayers, good wishes, and happy vibes. They worked!


  1. So glad he is doing well. It's amazing what they can do outpatient these days!

  2. So glad all is well....prayers continue..😍

  3. I'm happy all went well, hoping it continues. Awesome that the new method is so much less recovery.

  4. Glad the surgery went well and you are both camped out at CS2. Prayers continue for you both -- Rich's healing and your peace of mind.

  5. Great News!! I know you are a good caretaker.

  6. Caring for a sick partner (and waiting around in the hospital) is a different kind of stress. Best wishes for happy and healthy outcomes for both of you.

    Susan Anonymouse

  7. I'm so happy to hear all went well! Some of these new procedures are amazing. Continued prayers for both of you.

  8. Coni, not to be too intrusive, but taking care of my 89 year old dad after a fall, getting on and off the toilet can be difficult for them to get up from seat. I found this on Amazon . Kohler 25875-0 Hyten elongated toilet seat, easy to install. Adds 3 inches to toilet. My dad is a 6 footer too. The white one is way cheaper that the beige. It's great! Glad JB is home and doing well. Jen

  9. Glad all went well! I hear ya on the overnight stay being easier on the caregiver - no one prepares you for the "whackadoodles" form the meds. I couldn't get me husband to go to bed 😆

  10. Took a friend for hip replacement, first in that morning, we got there in the DARK, home by noon and she killed it.

  11. Wish that new procedure had been in the repertoire when I had hip replacements back in '09 and '11. So glad for him and you! With your excellent care (?!) he'll zip to good as new!.

  12. This out-patient thing is new(s) to me. How amazing is that a person is in the hospital for a few hours and comes home guaranteed to be out of pain in a short while. So happy he got to use this procedure - especially for your sake.

  13. We were doing outpatient hip surgeries over 10 years ago in Palm Springs. Went quite well, my mother was 80yrs old when she had her same day surgery. Glad he's home well. It will be some work for you.

  14. I'm glad his surgery went well and hope his recovery goes smoothly.
